'#worship' Tagged Posts

'#worship' Tagged Posts

An Opportunity for Worship

Men and women are obviously different. Genesis 2 tells us that we were created to compliment one another. What one lacks the other supplies and vice versa. Do we truly see those differences though as an opportunity to worship God? Join us through this week and next as we continue to solidify and further build on this issue of biblical masculinity & femininity. CCLI Streaming License # 20229783

We Suppress(ed) the Truth

The wrath of God is an often misinterpreted subject. On Sunday, from Romans 1:18-23, we gained a clearer picture of not only God’s wrath but why we deserved it. Today, we’re exploring the text a bit deeper seeing that Paul expressed our guilt six different times in the passage and what happens when we “exchange”. We using a more interactive format today that we trust will be beneficial. Thanks for watching. “An Unpopular Thought: God’s Wrath” (Rom 1:18-23)

Worship God with Your Life (Ezra-Nehemiah Vlog #2)

Worship. Mention that word and it conjures pictures and emotions and thoughts within the believer’s mind. Maybe it a song that brought you through a difficult situation. Maybe it was a moment that made you feel embraced by God. We often use the word as an adjective, but Scripture uses it as a verb. Let’s dive deeper into “worship” looking at Romans 12 today. “Worship: Start Here” (Ezra 2-3)


We are finishing up the creation week today. Rested. That’s what God did on the seventh day, but it doesn’t mean that he slept. That word though is any important theme carried throughout the rest of Scripture and key when speaking of our salvation.


As I was reading Psalm 96 today, I was struck by v. 5 which comments that all the gods of this world are worthless. Yet as man continues to suppress and reject the truth of God, we see a switch in man valuing the idols and deeming God worthless. In my Bible is written a question and a prayer: “Why do we worship so many idols?” and “God help me to see their worthlessness!” Let’s look at Psalm 96 together…


Chapters 17 & 18 have been confusing to me as it looks at Babylon with two very different descriptions. Here is a general overview of what is going on here as well as some overall reminders we gain from the text. Revelation 17-19 NET


The further we get into Revelation the weirder and weirder it gets. Revelation 13 talks about beasts with horns and heads and crowns. Revelation 14 talks about sickles and winepresses. What is going on? That’s our mission today, to explore these texts and provide some answers while ultimately directing or focus to present day encouragements. Revelation 13-14 NET


We’ve all had that moment in our lives when we try to get the attention of someone, but nothing works apart from being up front in the face or giving them a shake and saying: “Hey you!” Revelation 8-9 are a “Hey You!” to the earth. Yet as God brings his judgement we find the sad description of the people of the day at the end of ch. 9. Take a moment to read these chapters & watch. Revelation 8-9…


There is much that can be explored in the book of Revelation, particularly the chapters covered today. Doing a quick overview though, the chapters really answer three questions: 1) Who is worthy? 2) Will God judge evil? & 3) Who can stand? Let’s explore these together today. Take a time as well to check all the cross references to the text. Much can be learned about the content of the book from other books that speak on end time events…


Revelation 4 is a spectacular scene of worship. And this chapter sets the stage for the rest of the book explaining that the following is God’s sovereign plan. In spite of what we might think as we behold them, these things will bring greater glory to his name, and he is worthy of our praise. Take a moment to read this fantastic worship scene though and watch. Revelation 4 NET


Temptation. As long as you’re on this side of heaven, it is something that we all face. The Apostle Paul talked of this reality in Romans 7. How do we handle it though? What can we do to prepare for it? How overcome it? Luke 4 offers some valuable insites as we look at Jeus life and ministry coupled with some additional passages of Scripture. Luke 4 NET


As I was studying the book of Jonah last night for a school paper, I was struck by comments Jonah made. We normally think of the big fish that swallowed him. Yet the story is about the sovereignty and grace of God. And Jonah becomes a picture of the attitude of the nation of Israel. In Jonah 1, he makes some interesting comments that perhaps reflect our own attitude at times. Please visit www.graceadell.org for our contact information and resources.…


In a day calling us to fear the circumstances and delight in the things of this world, the psalmist calls us to fear and delight in something or rather someone else. Read Psalm 112:1 and then take a moment to view this video.


In Matthew 2, we find the wise men from the east coming to worship Jesus. Herod says he desires to as well & asks them to report back to him. Seeing that word in the text & the actions that transpired for the different parties begs us to ask what do we worship? Worship and love affect our thoughts, actions, and investments of time and money. What do you worship?


This semester for school I am doing two Old Testament survey classes. I have been reading through the first half of the Old Testament & reading a couple of textbooks that offer comments and information on that biblical reading. Last week, I was reading through the textbook portion dealing with the book of Numbers. I read this at the end of one of the paragraphs dealing with Numbers 7:1-10:10 and the offerings the tribal leaders were bringing for the tabernacle.…