'#worldview' Tagged Posts

'#worldview' Tagged Posts

Eyes of Envy or Faith?

Thanks for joining us today as we continue to build upon the content from Sunday’s sermon by revisiting elements like the main idea, exploring unanswered questions, and expanding more in depth into segments of the message. We trust you will be encouraged and challenged by the men and women of faith in Scripture as you see their walk of faith and love for the Lord. God bless! “Who Am I, Really?” (Edited Identity) Tim Challies Article CCLI Streaming License #…

If You Know What Is Good…

When we compare ourselves with others (right or wrong), we often evaluate goodness based upon what we are “not doing” that the other person is. We determine our level of righteousness or holiness regularly based upon the negative commands of Scripture (think the Ten Commandments). James calls us though to expand our minds and consider what God has called us to do and what disobedience to that means. Thanks for joining us today as we explore that in James 4:17.…

Being a Man – Masculinity & Femininity Vlog 3

Over the last two weeks, we’ve mentioned the contrast in our world between the “good man” and the “real man.” This past week we asked why there has to be a dichotomy of what true manhood is. Join us today as we further look at redeemed masculinity and specifically the elements of leadership and character. If you’ve missed the past sermons or vlogs on this subject, please take the time to view them at the links below. “What Does God…

Progressive Christianity Tactics (GPS #16)

We introduced this past Sunday how deconstructionism and progressive Christianity are deconstructing the Bible & theology. Join us today we talk about the danger that presents particularly in the realm of interpretation. Thanks for watching! “Who are we to judge those who interpret the Bible differently?” by Alisa Childers & Rosaria Butterfield “Deconstructionism: Helpful or Hurtful? (Part #2)”

Addressing Redefined Words (GPS #15)

Of the several elements we talked about on Sunday, one of them was the redefinition of commonly used words in Christianity to something entirely other than their original definition and understanding. This tactic has been deceptive in progressive Christianity and lead to the deconstruction of people’s faith. We’re explore the redefinition of words further today with some steps to take and simple encouragements. God bless! “Deconstructionism: Helpful or Hurtful? (Part #2)”


A Pew Research poll found that nearly 1/3 of Protestants believe that casual sex is sometimes or always okay between consenting adults. They also found a direct correlation between that statistic and church attendance. Join us today as we address this issue and continue our discussion the sermon on Ephesian 5 this past Sunday.


Through what lens do you view your day. I’m not talking about the right or left lens of the eyeglasses you may or may not have on right now. I’m talking about the lens through which you view life. In light of this week, might I encourage you to view it through the resurrection. What difference does that make? Take a moment to watch.


Anthropology. The study of man. And if you do a quick Google search, it is a vast conglomeration of subjects that fall under this umbrella. What we are concerned about primarily is Christian Anthropology or the study of man as God presents it to use in the Bible. As we begin looking at it, we must go back to the beginning. How one views the beginning has significant ramifications for the present and the rest of what the Bible has…


In this segment of #askpd, we explore this question: Why do so many Christians not have a consistent biblical worldview? It is a hard question to explore as it implies that some do not believe what the Bible says. Today, we’ll define what a worldview is, explore what negatively affects our worldview, give some solutions to this issues, and also answer why it’s important to have a consistent biblical worldview. Thanks for watching.


I have talked much recently on the sovereignty and glory of God in this time of what seems to use as mass chaos. I have found those things to bring me immense comfort and help me to filter the events and situations around me. Yesterday, Pastor Paul spoke on Isaiah 40 and God being a god of comfort. Take a moment to listen to this video by Paul David Tripp where he brings both of these concepts together.


Saw this short clip on Facebook this morning. These words from him will encourage you in this time and help you to have a balanced perspective about what is going on presently.