'#words' Tagged Posts

'#words' Tagged Posts

Loving One Another in Speech

Love one another. It’s a phrase that is widely used in church slogans and vision statements. It’s something that our world too encourages. Yet, if we take even a brief glimpse inside and outside the church, we clearly see that we are always very loving (sometimes very little so). Those changed by the gospel are called to put love into practice. Join us today as we examine what that looks like practically in an arena that is common to all…


Why do a vlog? Why go to all that extra work each day? Where did that music come from? All those questions and more answered this week as I explain the vlogs purpose and my goal in putting this together each day. “Words” Offical Lyric Video – Hawk Nelson “Words” Offical Music Video – Hawk Nelson CCLI Streaming License #20229783