'#wordofgod' Tagged Posts

'#wordofgod' Tagged Posts

The Word of God Remains Forever (GPS #12)

We’ll be covering the subject of deconstructionism on Sunday. As I have been preparing for that, the importance and centrality of the Word of God continues to be impressed upon me as well as it being timeless and transcending culture. I pray you’ll be encouraged by this simple words today as you think on the valuable riches you possess and hold in your hands–the Word of God.

Dual Citizenship (GPS Vlog #2)

Christians have a unique identity. Not only are we citizens of our respective countries of origin (or more generally citizens of earth), but we are also citizens of heaven. I find that when it comes to hot topics as we are discussing in our new sermon series that we tend to side with the earthly rather than heavenly citizenship. Today, we’re diving into this subject of dual citizenship and what it means for us in our interactions with others and…


Temptations and trials. There is an awful lot of stuff written in Scripture about these two subjects. In fact, we just looked at both recently as we were working through James 1. Let’s revisit these once more but this time looking at another passage – 1 Corinthians 10:13. From there we’ll find some encouragements and insights on this word in the Greek. Thanks for watching!


This past Sunday we talked about understanding the spiritual influence in the background to the circumstances and situations we face. That influence may be either positive or negative. The psalms draws this out as well in Psalm 1 and the slippery slope that the influence of the world can create in our lives as we go along with it.


From a theological standpoint, 2 Peter 1 is very important as it reveals to use the nature of the Scriptures, their origin, how they came to be. That theological tidbit though has greater practical implications for us as it points to the truthfulness of the Word of God and it’s beneficial application to and for our lives. 2 Peter 1 NET


Recently we’ve been asking the question a lot: what is true? In times of confusion, we turn to the Word of God which is truth and comes from Truth himself. I read an article the other day though that sought to discredit the Word of God. The Apostle Paul warns us about such people in Romans 16, our chapter of the day.


Early this week, I was perusing Facebook. Perhaps wasting time would be a better description of it. I usually do a quick scroll through the latest updates until I see something that catches my eye which may be a video or something happening in the life of a friend or a quote. That was what I noticed the other day, a quote by pastor and author David Platt. What if we take away the cool music and the cushioned chairs,…