'#witness' Tagged Posts

'#witness' Tagged Posts

Success Is Being a Faithful Witness

Thanks for joining us today as we continue to build upon the content from Sunday’s sermon by revisiting elements like the main idea, exploring unanswered questions, and expanding more in depth into segments of the message. We trust you will be encouraged and challenged as we work through the Gospel of Jon together focusing on the evidence for Jesus as Messiah and belief in him. God bless! “What’s Your Verdict?” (John 1:6-18) CCLI Streaming License # 20229783

We Suppress(ed) the Truth

The wrath of God is an often misinterpreted subject. On Sunday, from Romans 1:18-23, we gained a clearer picture of not only God’s wrath but why we deserved it. Today, we’re exploring the text a bit deeper seeing that Paul expressed our guilt six different times in the passage and what happens when we “exchange”. We using a more interactive format today that we trust will be beneficial. Thanks for watching. “An Unpopular Thought: God’s Wrath” (Rom 1:18-23)

Degrees of or Secondary Separation

On Sunday, we saw the Jews commitment to specific actions based upon hearing the Law. They understood the authority of God’s Word for their lives and as a matter of follow through committed to obedience. As we talked Sunday, obedience involves being both looking different and being set apart from the world. This week we’re looking at biblical and degrees of separation in light of our study of Nehemiah 10. Thanks for watching! “Because You…I Promise to…” (Neh 9-10) –…

Biblical Separation

On Sunday, we saw the Jews commitment to specific actions based upon hearing the Law. They understood the authority of God’s Word for their lives and as a matter of follow through committed to obedience. As we talked Sunday, obedience involves being both looking different and being set apart from the world. This week we’re looking at biblical and degrees of separation in light of our study of Nehemiah 10. Thanks for watching! “Because You…I Promise to…” (Neh 9-10) –…

Looking with God’s Eyes (GPS Vlog #1)

It is hard to see purpose in the midst of the hows & whys of tragedy. Yet God tells that there is. In fact, we see that suffering has purpose and God has used it for our greatest good. Join us as we explore that today from Isaiah 53 and discovere what purpose our suffering may have as we look at it with God’s eyes. Thanks for watching! “Responding to Tragedy”


It makes a vast difference in the course of our lives in who we place at the center of it. And it affects our gospel witness as well. What am I talking about? Perhaps Philippians 2:14-15 will give you a clue. Developing this attitude is of such importance not only relationally, but for our witness as well.


Have you talked about God today with someone? Who? What was the conversation? If not, when was the last time you talked with someone about God? The psalmist in Psalm 105 calls us to tell the nations about God and proclaim before our world who he is. We have much to tell as we think about our life transformed, as we read the Word, as we bear witness to God’s creation. Who will you talk with today telling them about…


The Equality Act is up for a vote in the House of Representatives tomorrow. I am grieved to see the disregard by our politicians for the effects this will have on our nation across the board. At the same time, I am also grieved to see the struggles of so many who are trying to find their purpose and identity apart from God. As I was thinking on this today, Paul’s words in Romans were on my mind – not…


John 5 is a great chapter on the deity of Jesus. Remember John’s purpose in writing was to show Jesus as the Son of God and lead people to believe in him so they might have eternal life. Take a moment to read the chapter and then watch this on a crucial chapter in the Gospels to the theology of Jesus deity. John 5 NET


Foreigner. Exile. Alien. We’re not talking about immigration policy or the next ET film. We’re actually talking about believers. Yes, Peter says that we, believers, are foreigners, exiles, and aliens. What does he mean? Take a moment to read the chapter and then watch this video. 1 Peter 2 NET


Open the Facebook app or a web browser and you’ll see near the top of the page: “What’s on your mind?” Social media has been both a blessing and a curse to our world. Satan in particular has tricked us with it at times. Take a few moments to consider your social media use and watch this video.