'#wisdom' Tagged Posts

'#wisdom' Tagged Posts

Sovereignty & Suffering – God’s Character

Thanks for joining us today as we continue to build upon the content from Sunday’s sermon by revisiting elements like the main idea, exploring unanswered questions, and expanding more in depth into segments of the message. We trust you will be encouraged and challenged by the men and women of faith in Scripture as you see their walk of faith and love for the Lord. God bless! “No Plan of Yours Can Be Thwarted” (Job) CCLI Streaming License # 20229783

Perspective Amidst Challenging Issues

As I was thinking about the vlog for today, my thoughts turned to the challenging issues that Pastor Paul covered last week and will be covering this coming Sunday (AI/Transhumanism and Cancel Culture). We as Christians can often be quick to fight immediately on these things in the political realm, to speak our voice “loudly” on social media. But as I thought on them further, I was overwhelmingly convicted with the need for us to step back for a moment…

Mix Reactions Toward God’s Sovereignty

The sovereignty of God can invoke a number of reactions from people. It may incite praise. It may create bewilderment and questions. It may incite critical comments and even anger. Since Romans 9’s focus was centralized on God’s sovereignty, let’s take a bit more time to explore that today and our mixed reactions as human beings toward this important attribute of God. “God Is the Potter. We Are the Clay.” (Romans 9:14-33)

Three Tibits on Opposition from Nehemiah 6

Opposition, trials, tribulations, sufferings are not stranger in the Christian life. God tells us that they are tools used to bring out the character of Christ in us as he draws the dross of sin off our lives. In Nehemiah 6, we see the opposition he & the Jews encountered from their enemies and with that three lessons we too can hold on too as we encounter spiritual opposition in our own lives. Thanks for watching!

Good Father with Good Wisdom (GPS #3)

Continuing on the theme of fatherhood that Pastor Paul hit on Sunday, let’s journey back to the book of James today and see its correlation to the book of Proverbs as we talk about God being a good Father who gives good wisdom. “Our Father…” – 1 Jn 3:1

I Am Not Ashamed & I Will Not Be Afraid

Who do you say I am? We talked Sunday that answering this question provides a basis for answering all the other questions in life. Thus, it is key that we answer the question of Jesus identity correctly and come to the conclusion that he is our Savior and Lord. As ambassadors, which we talked about yesterday, we are called to help others come to this important conclusion as well. What gets in the way of this though many times? That’s…

Alleviating Skepticism with Wisdom (Jas 3)

I was reading an article today talking about skepticism toward Christianity. While there were several reasons for that skepticism, one of them dealt specifically with what we have been talking about in James 3. And wisdom is the key to resolving this matter. Thanks for watching! “Heavenly vs. Earthly Wisdom” (Jas 3:13-18) CCLI Streaming License # 20229783


Diamonds are among the world’s most valuable treasures that men seek after. But something is of greater value still. Wisdom. But not just any wisdom, specifically wisdom from God. We’re continuing our study of James 1:5-8 from Sunday looking at the difference between faith, doubt, and unbelief which James brings up in the passage. All of this is key to the overall understanding that calls us to seek the wisdom of God to understand how we can have joy in…


In the last half of Genesis 12, Abram encounters a famine in the land. As a result, he moved to Egypt to escape this severe time for his family & fortune. While there was a famine in the land, you might also say that there was a famine of faith in Abram’s life. What do I mean and what can we learn from this time in Abram’s life? Join us today!


As I was reading Genesis 7-8 today, I noted some things I hadn’t before. We often hear this simply as a children’s story, yet this was an actual account with far deeper spiritual meaning that just a boat floating on the water to save some animals. Today, we look through the timeline of that event as well as the greater significance that it points us to today. Thanks for watching!


Look up. See the sky. You you know it’s there, and can see it’s blue. You can’t physically touch it. Yet the atmosphere is part of the wonder of God’s creation. I don’t know that we think about that too much, but on day two, God created the atmosphere. What difference does that make? How does it reflect his sovereignty, wisdom, & creative power? Take a moment to watch.


I’ve heard it and seen it written various times that believing in the Lord and the ways prescribed in his Word are foolish. Interestingly, I was in Proverbs 3 today and Solomon writes in direct contrast to that. And we find it not only there but also in Ecclesiastes 12. In light of what our nation is celebrating this month, it is all the more a call to understand the wisdom of the Lord and of us to proclaim that…


In Luke 19 we read a very similar sounding parable as we find in Matthew 25. While each focuses on stewardship or being wise with what God has invested in us, they both approach it from a slightly different angle. Take a moment to watch & find out. Luke 19 NET