'#temptation' Tagged Posts

'#temptation' Tagged Posts

Resting in the Lord (Needing Help & Weaknesses)

I was challenged by some thoughts in a book recently that I had been reading that applied to what we talked about this past Sunday from Nehemiah 13. The book was on parenting. How in the world does that apply? Well, take a few moments today to watch and see how the calls to rest in the Lord are advantageous to us whether we are struggling with sin personally or helping to disciple another person. Thanks for watching! “An Anticlimactic…


We all struggle with various temptations and wonder if there is a way to avoid sin. Today we are looking at some practical tips and passages of Scripture that focus on just that. And in addition to all of that, we’ll explore the key issue concerning why we often succumb to temptation sin as well as what to do about it. Thanks for watching!


Temptations and trials. There is an awful lot of stuff written in Scripture about these two subjects. In fact, we just looked at both recently as we were working through James 1. Let’s revisit these once more but this time looking at another passage – 1 Corinthians 10:13. From there we’ll find some encouragements and insights on this word in the Greek. Thanks for watching!


We started this discussion during Sunday School on April 18, 2021 after some things said during the service about the need to encourage fellow brothers and sisters in Christ in putting on the new man and putting aside the old. This week, we’re exploring a bit deeper this subject of coming alongside one another as we think about what the Apostle Paul writes in Galatians 6:2.


Temptation. As long as you’re on this side of heaven, it is something that we all face. The Apostle Paul talked of this reality in Romans 7. How do we handle it though? What can we do to prepare for it? How overcome it? Luke 4 offers some valuable insites as we look at Jeus life and ministry coupled with some additional passages of Scripture. Luke 4 NET


Temptation. While it’s common to us all, it’s not a subject that we talk about much among our peers. Dinner conversation usually doesn’t center around what tempted us today. But we know that we all have certain struggles. Even the Apostle Paul did (see Romans 7). So what do we do about them? How do we respond? Might there be something gained for a our good in the process? We’ll explore those questions today.