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Thoughts on Death
Death is a reality for all of us. Unless Jesus comes again before we enter the grave, we will all die. And death is one of those odd subjects that people don’t like to talk about but yet commands interest as well. There are all sorts of stories on YouTube about people’s after-death experiences. I was watching a video today asking “What happens when we die?” Looking to Scripture, what does it have to say about death and hope for…
First John 2 has a number of well-known passages. One of those is vv. 15-17 where we are told not to love this fading world. Throughout the book of 1 John, the apostle calls us to fellowship with God and notes those things that either prohibit it or who that someone doesn’t have a relationship with him. Where does our love lie? Are we cookie cutters of our culture. Take a moment to watch. 1 John 2 NET