'#study' Tagged Posts
Paradise…It’s More Than You Think (GPS #5)
You hear or read reports about mortality rates from time to time. The mortality rate for mankind is 100%. Death is a part of life that many are not comfortable talking about. It is a necessary conversation though particularly because there are only two destinies for us as we die: 1) eternal separation from God or 2) eternal fellowship in the presence of God. There are many misconceptions about heaven. We’re going to right a few of those today and…
The Word of God as Our Guide…Even on Prayer (Jas 5)
Sadly many have been deceived and given misinformation about the subject of prayer. It has left people with false hope. The same could be said of many other things in life including relationships, the keys to happiness, purpose and fulfillment in life. Through this segment today, may you be encouraged to let Scripture be your guide in all matters of life, searching it and finding what it has to say. Thanks for watching! “Let’s Pray” (Jas 5:13-18)