'#spiritualwarfare' Tagged Posts

'#spiritualwarfare' Tagged Posts

Perspective Amidst Challenging Issues

As I was thinking about the vlog for today, my thoughts turned to the challenging issues that Pastor Paul covered last week and will be covering this coming Sunday (AI/Transhumanism and Cancel Culture). We as Christians can often be quick to fight immediately on these things in the political realm, to speak our voice “loudly” on social media. But as I thought on them further, I was overwhelmingly convicted with the need for us to step back for a moment…


We often think of battle in a physical sense. Wars between nations or people groups. But there is a very real spiritual battle taking place every day, and it is located closer than we think. Understanding the where, may help us to gain greater perspective into the conflict we see around us, noticing the spiritual element.


Balance. It is a key to life. Whether we are talking about what we eat or simply the ability to stand, balance is key. And it is particularly important when we come to the Scriptures. Many doctrines require a balanced approach. Too far one direction and we are in legalism. Too far the other and we abuse grace. The same is true as we come to Ephesians 6 this coming Sunday and begin to discuss spiritual warfare. We must keep…


In 1 Peter 5, we find a number of verses that are well known to us. They remind us about the spiritual warfare that is present in our world today that is often in the background and may even by the source of our sufferings. In the midst of these trials and difficulties though, we are reminded that God does care for us. Take a moment to read the passage and then watch this video. 1 Peter 5 NET


Temptation. As long as you’re on this side of heaven, it is something that we all face. The Apostle Paul talked of this reality in Romans 7. How do we handle it though? What can we do to prepare for it? How overcome it? Luke 4 offers some valuable insites as we look at Jeus life and ministry coupled with some additional passages of Scripture. Luke 4 NET