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Worship God with Your Life (Ezra-Nehemiah Vlog #2)

Worship. Mention that word and it conjures pictures and emotions and thoughts within the believer’s mind. Maybe it a song that brought you through a difficult situation. Maybe it was a moment that made you feel embraced by God. We often use the word as an adjective, but Scripture uses it as a verb. Let’s dive deeper into “worship” looking at Romans 12 today. “Worship: Start Here” (Ezra 2-3)


Temptation. As long as you’re on this side of heaven, it is something that we all face. The Apostle Paul talked of this reality in Romans 7. How do we handle it though? What can we do to prepare for it? How overcome it? Luke 4 offers some valuable insites as we look at Jeus life and ministry coupled with some additional passages of Scripture. Luke 4 NET