'#savior' Tagged Posts

'#savior' Tagged Posts

God’s Holiness & Our Need for Christ

I was greatly impacted some time ago by a book I was reading that brought me into a deeper understanding of the holiness of God and our great need for Christ as our Savior. As I read those words, it left me with praise for what God has done in my life as I think on my own sinfulness in comparison to his holiness and the immense kindness shown me on the cross. Take a moment to watch as I…

I Am Not Ashamed & I Will Not Be Afraid

Who do you say I am? We talked Sunday that answering this question provides a basis for answering all the other questions in life. Thus, it is key that we answer the question of Jesus identity correctly and come to the conclusion that he is our Savior and Lord. As ambassadors, which we talked about yesterday, we are called to help others come to this important conclusion as well. What gets in the way of this though many times? That’s…


The phrase that we read in Genesis 1:2 has led to a host of interpretations, theories, ideas, and conclusion. We’re going to explore them a bit today and talk about what we see in the context. Ultimately we take away though that God has taken something uninhabitable and made it life-supporting and filled it with life which we’ll explore in the coming weeks. As we read v. 2, we might make another spiritual connection. What is it? Watch to find…


It makes a vast difference in the course of our lives in who we place at the center of it. And it affects our gospel witness as well. What am I talking about? Perhaps Philippians 2:14-15 will give you a clue. Developing this attitude is of such importance not only relationally, but for our witness as well.


I was reading through Psalm 14 and thinking about the subject of atheism as my eyes scanned over the initial words of the psalm. The deeper I got into the psalm and thought about the gospel, my attention turned to how we as believers are promoting that message with our lives to those around us. Is the glorious gospel clearly seen or are we living as practical atheists? Belief is meant to affect how we live and give us gospel…


I spend time in my garage creating various projects from wood often for my home. I thank the Lord for that skill set that I have attained over the years. What is beyond me though is dealing with the sin problem within me. David acknowledges that in Psalm 51. A heart that is morally degraded needs a solution beyond our power. The word that begins v. 10 with though contains special significance for us in this great psalm.


In a world full of bad news, this is the best news of all. Hope in a world filled wit hopelessness. Security in a world of uncertainty. Freedom in a world enslaved. Joy and peace in a world that is anything but. This is about your eternity and your present.


The word “Lord” is an important one for our daily Christian walk to remember. It reminds us that we are under the authority of Christ and called to walk in his will. Yet if we’re honest, we often just happy with him being our Savior rather than our Lord. Lord implies that I must submit to his control in my life. As unpleasant as our world makes that sound and deceived us into believe it is, it is in submission…


I often joke that I am going to write a book someday about all the lessons my kids teach me about my relationship with God and how we as adults often react to him. Perhaps I will, but I came across such an excerpt on Facebook today that I’d like to share with you about our relationship with God.


John 5 is a great chapter on the deity of Jesus. Remember John’s purpose in writing was to show Jesus as the Son of God and lead people to believe in him so they might have eternal life. Take a moment to read the chapter and then watch this on a crucial chapter in the Gospels to the theology of Jesus deity. John 5 NET


Sadly the church around the world and throughout time has experienced division. Often those cases revolve around personal preferences and matters of pride. Paul calls believers in 1 Corinthians 1 to unite together in their common bond in Christ. Take a moment to watch this and the important message for us in our present days as believers and our responses to one another. 1 Corinthians 1 NET


As any of us prepares for a major home project, we usually count the cost and then add a little extra (especially if you own an older home). I think in many respects we have redefined discipleship in America today and not counted the cost of all that is involved. In Luk 14, Jesus challenges us on that and encourages us to remember that as his servants, all we have is his and we are here to do his will.…


I remember having “Christmas” parties in the middle of July as a youth activity. As I was reading Luke today, I was thinking on those times. While those were fun, Luke tells us something more beneficial. He tells us in chapter 2 about HOPE. Hope has a name. It’s Jesus. And as believers, we not only do we possess hope in Him, but we’re called to profess the hope found in Him to the world. Proclaim Christ! Luke 2 NET


There has been much discussion over recent years about citizenship. The Apostle Paul talks about a greater citizenship that believers possess than being citizens of any country here on earth. Believers are heavenly citizens. That citizenship reminds of two things. Take a moment to watch and find out.


American Christianity often focuses on ourselves. The star of all of scripture though is God. We see that in Ephesians 1 as Paul writes about what GOD has done. He chose, he predestined, he adopted, he did, he lavished, etc. And if we remember what Paul says about us in Romans 5, God is definitely worthy of our praise as we read Ephesians 1. Take a moment to read and watch. God bless. Ephesians 1 NET


Holy. That word was in my mind today, in part because of a song that has been in my head most of the day. Holy is so much more than just moral purity as we describe God. It refers to the distinctness of every facet of his character – he loves with a holy love, he judges with holy justice, he has holy mercy, holy grace. And he has called us to be holy as he is holy (1 Pe…


In a time when circumstances and much that we hear through media can discourage us, here is a story from Ireland of God at work. This pastor was hospitalized by the COVID-19 virus and came through it. His testimony reminds us to call out to God. He hears us. He is still there. And he’s answering prayer and doing amazing things in people’s lives.