'#saltandlight' Tagged Posts

'#saltandlight' Tagged Posts

God’s Restraints on Evil: Government & Church

As we finished up Romans 1, one of the questions we are left asking is whether or not God restrains evil at all in this world. If the world is as bad as Paul says it is, how do we account for the “good” we do see in the world? Today, we’ll discuss 2 of 4 different restraints God has placed in the world and the responsibility these elements call us to. Thanks for watching! “Mayday, Mayday! We’re Going Down!”…


I have been stuck on the phrase “to the praise of His glory” from Ephesians 1 today. As I think about us as believers and as a church, are we living in such a way that could be summarized as that? My prayer for us all, for churches across America this year is that no matter what may face us, that we would be the hands and feet of Christ, imitators of God, salt and light, that we might bring…


Ephesians 5 is all about relationships. Paul gives important instructions for marriage relationships and that discussion continues into chapter 6 on family and work relationships as well. As we purpose to implement these instructions in our lives through the power of the Spirit and letting him do his work in us, we set up our relationships to be successful. Take some time today to read the passage and reflect on your own relationship. How might you further implement these instructions.…


Growing up on a small farm in Illinois, I grew to love working with my dad in the fields whether that be in the spring doing tillage & planting or in the fall harvesting & doing fall tillage. I enjoyed being in the tractor and in the field. I still love it to this day and treasure the few opportunities I get to do it yet. There is just something about the smell of freshly tilled earth or freshly cut…