'#romans' Tagged Posts
Faith Sculpting Afflictions
We admittedly often desire a life of ease, even if we only will admit it subconsciously. How many have every made the statement: “If I could only get a break?” We don’t like “hard” things in life. But those are often the very things that shape our faith the most and even reveal the idols of our lives. Join us today as we are challenged and encouraged by a recent blog from a popular author. “The Prosperity Gospel We Sometimes…
Law, Gospel, & Praise
Romans happens to be one of my favorite books for a variety of reasons. Turning to this specific “verse of the day” today though, we find a multiplicity of themes. It reminds us of the inadequacy of works and thus becomes a gateway to gospel conversations. It reminds us of the true purpose of the law. And while not explicitly stated, it calls us to praise as we reflect on the mercy of God in light of what the verse…
Faith – Stagnant or Growing?
Thanks for joining us today as we continue to build upon the content from Sunday’s sermon by revisiting elements like the main idea, exploring unanswered questions, and expanding more in depth into segments of the message. We trust you will be encouraged and challenged by the men and women of faith in Scripture as you see their walk of faith and love for the Lord. God bless! “An Unlikely Hero” (Samson) For the article I read from today, please visit…
How Might God Use This?
Thanks for joining us today as we continue to build upon the content from Sunday’s sermon by revisiting the main idea, exploring unanswered questions, and expanding more in depth into segments of the message. We trust you will be encouraged and challenged by the men and women of faith in Scripture as you see their walk of faith and love for the Lord. God bless! “Meant for Good” (Joseph) CCLI Streaming License # 20229783
Excuses and Exceptions
Excuses? Exceptions? Do you find yourself making either of those as you consider the commands of God? As you consider what we are being called to in Romans in relation to the Gospel? Join us today as we continue to examine Romans further. “Are You a ‘Yeah, But…’ Christian?” CCLI License # 167739 CCLI Streaming License # 20229783
Gospel Focus Amidst Differing Opinions
Conflict in the church often centers on the differing opinions of the people within. Many times specifically over preferences. What difference does focusing on the gospel make in all of this? Join us today as we continue to examine Romans 14 further and take this discussion on a topic that it so essential to relationship within the church body (and within families and with our community members). May the Lord give supply grace and help us to imitate Christ as…
Differing Opinions in the Church
Conflict in the church often centers on the differing opinions of the people within. Many times specifically over preferences. Join us today as we look at Romans 14:1 a further and take this discussion on a topic that it so essential to relationship within the church body (and within families and with our community members). May the Lord give supply grace and help us to imitate Christ as we interact with one another. “Harmony in Foggy Places” (Part #1) CCLI…
Loving One Another in Speech
Love one another. It’s a phrase that is widely used in church slogans and vision statements. It’s something that our world too encourages. Yet, if we take even a brief glimpse inside and outside the church, we clearly see that we are always very loving (sometimes very little so). Those changed by the gospel are called to put love into practice. Join us today as we examine what that looks like practically in an arena that is common to all…
Putting God First
Politics and religion. Talk about two very hot topics that we find classing in many arenas of our culture. The Apostle Paul tells us in Romans 13 that believers are to have a specific gospel-oriented response to this God-ordained institution. Join us this week as we explore more in depth on how believers should view and interact with the government in light of the gospel. We encourage you to view Sunday’s sermon if you haven’t had a chance to do…
Relationship Between the Church & the Government
Politics and religion. Talk about two very hot topics that we find classing in many arenas of our culture. The Apostle Paul tells us in Romans 13 that believers are to have a specific gospel-oriented response to this God-ordained institution. Join us this week as we explore more in depth on how believers should view and interact with the government in light of the gospel. We encourage you to view Sunday’s sermon if you haven’t had a chance to do…
Gospel Shaped Perspectives on Suffering
Join us this week as we cover Romans 12:12 which we skipped over this past Sunday. We encourage you to view Sunday’s sermon if you haven’t had a chance to do so yet (https://youtu.be/Ow84_x_aXd8). CCLI Streaming License # 20229783
Related Entities – Joy & Hope
Join us this week as we cover Romans 12:12 which we skipped over this past Sunday. We encourage you to view Sunday’s sermon if you haven’t had a chance to do so yet (https://youtu.be/Ow84_x_aXd8). CCLI Streaming License # 20229783
Suffering from Comparativitis?
Join us this week as we dive a bit deeper yet into Romans 12:3-8, continuing to explore what we started on Sunday and how it is to be lived. Today, we’ll look at the subject of comparison and how that can inhibit using our gifts for the health of the church. Glad to have you join us. We encourage you to view Sunday’s sermon if you haven’t had a chance to do so yet. CCLI Streaming License # 20229783
Are You Committed to Change?
Join us this week as we dive a bit deeper yet into Romans 12:1-2, continuing to explore what we started on Sunday and how it is to be lived. Today, we’ll look at the subject of sanctification as encouraged by the Apostle Paul in Romans 12. Glad to have you join us. We encourage you to view Sunday’s sermon if you haven’t had a chance to do so yet. CCLI Streaming License # 20229783
Renewing Your Mind
Join us this week as we dive a bit deeper yet into Romans 12:1-2, continuing to explore what we started on Sunday and how it is to be lived. Today, we’ll look at how to renew our minds. Glad to have you join us. We encourage you to view Sunday’s sermon if you haven’t had a chance to do so yet. CCLI Streaming License # 20229783
Sharing the Gospel with Jewish People
As we talked about the fact that God has not forsaken his people from Romans 11, it is important for us to get a glimpse of how Jewish people may view the New Testament and Jesus. This interview we are sharing today give us some unique insights and glimpse that will further educate us in our evangelistic efforts to Jewish people. “God Has Not Forsaken Israel” (Romans 11:1-27) CCLI Streaming License # 20229783
From a Jewish Perspective
As we talked about the fact that God has not forsaken his people from Romans 11, it is important for us to get a glimpse of how Jewish people may view the New Testament and Jesus. This testimony we are sharing today not only encourages us that God is still at work but give us some unique insights and glimpse that will further educate us in our evangelistic efforts to Jewish people. “God Has Not Forsaken Israel” (Romans 11:1-27) CCLI…
For Your Benefit & the Future
On Sunday, Paul preached from Romans 3-4 about the fact that salvation has always been by grace through faith. As we think about people being saved though, behind that is someone who took the time to share or teach the truth. Thinking on the theme of Romans, The Gospel Proclaimed and Practiced, today I want to challenge us to seriously consider the calling we have been given by Christ. Not only has the faithful obedience of this by others benefitted…
Loving the Unlovable
As I was thinking further on Romans 2-3, it made me think of how this looks in combination with a very well-known passage. And as we think on that passage as well today, it encourages us to deeper affection for our neighbors whether or not we think that they deserve it. Thanks for watching. “A Universal Cancer” (Romans 2:1-3:23)
God’s Fingerprints on Creation (#2)
On Sunday we took the time to specifically highlight Romans 1:20 and how creation declares the glory of God, how his attributes are clearly seen so that people are without excuse. This week, we’d like to take that a bit further and explore more ways we see the fingerprints of God on creation with the advances in technology over the last 50-60 years. Thanks for watching! “God Speaks Through His Creation” (Romans 1:20) “Untangler of Knots: The Amazing Topoisomerase Molecular…