'#relationships' Tagged Posts

'#relationships' Tagged Posts

Gospel Focus Amidst Differing Opinions

Conflict in the church often centers on the differing opinions of the people within. Many times specifically over preferences. What difference does focusing on the gospel make in all of this? Join us today as we continue to examine Romans 14 further and take this discussion on a topic that it so essential to relationship within the church body (and within families and with our community members). May the Lord give supply grace and help us to imitate Christ as…


Where’s the beef? It’s from the old Wendy’s commercial. James essentially asks that question as he talks about faith and works. He isn’t speaking about salvation but evidence of our faith in Christ. One of the crucial aspects of this subject regards relationships and within that forgiveness. Forgiveness is evidence of our abiding in Christ and submission to the Spirit’s work in our lives. Thanks for watching! “Faith: Visible or Invisible?” – Jas 2:14-26 CCLI Streaming License # 20229783