'#purpose' Tagged Posts

'#purpose' Tagged Posts

Law, Gospel, & Praise

Romans happens to be one of my favorite books for a variety of reasons. Turning to this specific “verse of the day” today though, we find a multiplicity of themes. It reminds us of the inadequacy of works and thus becomes a gateway to gospel conversations. It reminds us of the true purpose of the law. And while not explicitly stated, it calls us to praise as we reflect on the mercy of God in light of what the verse…

Gospel Transformation Stories (Part 2)

As we started our new series on Sunday, we talked about the fact that the gospel of God transformed our identity. It certainly did for Paul who went from a persecutor of the church and became and advocate for the church. The gospel brings transformation. This week, I’d like to just simply be encouraged by a couple of stories about gospel transformation both as a means to salvation and as a means to greater imitation of Christ in daily life.…

Gospel Transformation Stories (Part 1)

As we started our new series on Sunday, we talked about the fact that the gospel of God transformed our identity. It certainly did for Paul who went from a persecutor of the church and became and advocate for the church. The gospel brings transformation. This week, I’d like to just simply be encouraged by a couple of stories about gospel transformation both as a means to salvation and as a means to greater imitation of Christ in daily life.…

Tools for Spiritual Fitness

As you develop your spiritual fitness plan for 2023, I wanted to share some tools with you today that may help aid you in your purpose and goal. In this video we will also be reviewing that 5-facted fitness plan for 2023 and some general encouragements to start off the year well. “A Fitness Plan for the New Year” (1 Tim 4:6-11) Navigators Bible Reading Plans (scroll down on the link to find multiple plans) YouVersion (find on Google Play…

Looking with God’s Eyes (GPS Vlog #1)

It is hard to see purpose in the midst of the hows & whys of tragedy. Yet God tells that there is. In fact, we see that suffering has purpose and God has used it for our greatest good. Join us as we explore that today from Isaiah 53 and discovere what purpose our suffering may have as we look at it with God’s eyes. Thanks for watching! “Responding to Tragedy”

Learning from Others on Suffering

James encourages us from ch. 5 to look to the examples of the prophets and Job as we encounter suffering in life. Their testimony is meant to encourage us, particularly in being patient, having endurance, and God’s purpose and care. The Scriptures isn’t just a random collection of writings. There is purpose, even instructing us in how to endure suffering. I’d like to encourage you not only with this text, but with the lessons and example Paul Tripp learned through…


Today’s text once more proves how fundamental these opening chapters of Genesis are to many Christian beliefs. Today’s text hits the image of man, genders, and marriage among other things. The word that sticks out to me though is this: “formed”. God formed man. He’s formed you (Ps 139). And that puts us in a unique position with purpose. Join us!


Revenge. A dish best served cold. Or so the saying goes. Reading from the book of Proverbs however, we find that it is a dish best NEVER served at all. Rather, we are called to entrust these hurts, these acts of evil against us unto the Lord. What are we instead called to and is there perhaps a greater purpose? We’ll explore that today.


Why have you allowed this God? What have I done to deserve this? Do you hate me? Those are questions that either you or others have asked as they’ve gone through various situations. The nation of Israel did too. Isn’t it interesting how we forget what God had done. As we go through various situations, it’s important to pause and think for a bit on what God may be doing, how he may be growing us, or even how he…


The Equality Act is up for a vote in the House of Representatives tomorrow. I am grieved to see the disregard by our politicians for the effects this will have on our nation across the board. At the same time, I am also grieved to see the struggles of so many who are trying to find their purpose and identity apart from God. As I was thinking on this today, Paul’s words in Romans were on my mind – not…


Genesis 1:26 on the image and likeness of God is a debated verse yet very important to our purpose and identity as those among the other created things of the universe. As we discuss the “image of God,” we find that this is key to separating us from the rest of creation. It gives us meaning and purpose for our lives. It speaks to our uniqueness.


The word “Lord” is an important one for our daily Christian walk to remember. It reminds us that we are under the authority of Christ and called to walk in his will. Yet if we’re honest, we often just happy with him being our Savior rather than our Lord. Lord implies that I must submit to his control in my life. As unpleasant as our world makes that sound and deceived us into believe it is, it is in submission…


Revelation 4 is a spectacular scene of worship. And this chapter sets the stage for the rest of the book explaining that the following is God’s sovereign plan. In spite of what we might think as we behold them, these things will bring greater glory to his name, and he is worthy of our praise. Take a moment to read this fantastic worship scene though and watch. Revelation 4 NET


Open the Facebook app or a web browser and you’ll see near the top of the page: “What’s on your mind?” Social media has been both a blessing and a curse to our world. Satan in particular has tricked us with it at times. Take a few moments to consider your social media use and watch this video.


Denying self. It is as important and as hard as that sounds. Yet that is what we are called to as disciples of Christ. In denying self, we are to follow after the will of our master. It is a daily battle (Romans 7). Yet we find our greatest purpose, satisfaction, and fulfillment in him. It is looking to what yet awaits us and seeing all here as temporary. Choose Him. Luke 9 NET


Why do a vlog? Why go to all that extra work each day? Where did that music come from? All those questions and more answered this week as I explain the vlogs purpose and my goal in putting this together each day. “Words” Offical Lyric Video – Hawk Nelson “Words” Offical Music Video – Hawk Nelson CCLI Streaming License #20229783