'#psalms' Tagged Posts

'#psalms' Tagged Posts

Complaining to Gratitude

As we look at the world around us, it is easy to find something to complain about. It comes natural to us. Whether it’s politics, something happening in our local community or our families, even our health, complaining comes easy. What is harder is for us to refocus our eyes to the goodness of God and how we’ve seen his grace this day. This is the transformation the gospel calls us to. CCLI Streaming License # 20229783

Thoughts on Complaining

Thanks for joining us today as we continue to build upon the content from Sunday’s sermon by revisiting the main idea, exploring unanswered questions, and expanding more in depth into segments of the message. We trust you will be encouraged and challenged by the men and women of faith in Scripture as you see their walk of faith and love for the Lord. God bless! “Snapshots from the Life of Moses” CCLI Streaming License # 20229783

Who Is Our Deliverer?

Returning back to the subject of Sunday’s sermon (see link below), we are expanding today on some of the unanswered questions and points we didn’t get to on Sunday as we continue to examine the lives of the men and women of faith in the Bible. As always, we pray you are encourage and challenge to a great walk of faith and love for the Lord and other as we are in the Word together today. God bless! “When God…

How Long Lord & Other Questions for God

Ever look at the world around you or what is going on in your life and your mind is filled with questions for God? Maybe it something like: “God why aren’t you acting?” Or “God when will you show yourself?” Or even “God, if you truly love me, why is this happening?” We’ve all faced those questions and more. And we can be encouraged that numerous writers in the Bible did as well. Thanks for watching today as we tackle…

A Place of Relief or Terror

Ever read a passage of Scripture and then a friend’s perspective or something you read enlightens you to give you a different perspective? I had that today with an email I received that gave me an additional biblical look on a favorite passage. It opened my eyes today and I pray it will yours as well as we look at Psalm 18. Is he a place of relief? Or is God a place of terror? Thanks for joining us online…

Constant Communication with God (Jas 5)

Prayer. It’s the red-phone to heaven. It’s the walkie-talkie to call in reinforcements. Sometimes we speak of it as a specially reserved time in our morning devotions or a segment of a service. But it is more than all of these things. It is living in constant communication with God – a constant attitude of dependence on him. Thanks for watching as we explore this important topic James highlights in ch. 5. “Let’s Pray” (Jas 5:13-18)


We all struggle with various temptations and wonder if there is a way to avoid sin. Today we are looking at some practical tips and passages of Scripture that focus on just that. And in addition to all of that, we’ll explore the key issue concerning why we often succumb to temptation sin as well as what to do about it. Thanks for watching!


This past Sunday we talked about understanding the spiritual influence in the background to the circumstances and situations we face. That influence may be either positive or negative. The psalms draws this out as well in Psalm 1 and the slippery slope that the influence of the world can create in our lives as we go along with it.


I love the map app on my phone that gives me free directions to the various places I need to get to. I really appreciate it when I get lost. There is a different source though that gives us even more important directions and it too provides them free of charge. It’s the Bible. And this directions are for life.


As I read through Psalm 118 today, I was caught by the fact that it is bookended by the same exact words. As the psalmist writes down everything in between, he proves the point is introduces and concludes with. Indeed we should give God thanks for he is…


As I was reading Psalm 96 today, I was struck by v. 5 which comments that all the gods of this world are worthless. Yet as man continues to suppress and reject the truth of God, we see a switch in man valuing the idols and deeming God worthless. In my Bible is written a question and a prayer: “Why do we worship so many idols?” and “God help me to see their worthlessness!” Let’s look at Psalm 96 together…


I am astounded when people believe that there is not God or ask whether God has revealed himself. Paul in Romans 1 as well as David in Psalm 19 makes that abundantly clear. God has spoken, has communicated to us in a variety of ways revealing himself. This is true. We need to go a step further though beyond the knowledge of that truth and perhaps conviction about it to practically implementing it in our lives.


In a day calling us to fear the circumstances and delight in the things of this world, the psalmist calls us to fear and delight in something or rather someone else. Read Psalm 112:1 and then take a moment to view this video.


A word of fright or perhaps even fear. At the very least, it’s the shriek heard when a mouse runs across the floor.  I grew up in an old farmhouse built in the early 1900s and remember various creatures running or jumping across the living room floor occasionally.  While others might have cringed at it, we thought it was funny as we look back.  In fact, during cricket season (and I’m not talking about the English game), we used to…