'#presence' Tagged Posts

'#presence' Tagged Posts

When I Fear God’s Path for Me

As we live our lives, we often find ourselves wandering down paths we never expected. It may not be due to our own sin or poor choices. It may be just the effects of living in a fallen and sinful world. But as David reminds us in Psalm 23:4, God is there with us. Both Paul and James remind us that God may have a plan in that dark valley to grow us. What we fear, may be God’s intended…

Resting in the Lord (Needing Help & Weaknesses)

I was challenged by some thoughts in a book recently that I had been reading that applied to what we talked about this past Sunday from Nehemiah 13. The book was on parenting. How in the world does that apply? Well, take a few moments today to watch and see how the calls to rest in the Lord are advantageous to us whether we are struggling with sin personally or helping to disciple another person. Thanks for watching! “An Anticlimactic…