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'#preach' Tagged Posts

Progressive Christianity Tactics (GPS #16)

We introduced this past Sunday how deconstructionism and progressive Christianity are deconstructing the Bible & theology. Join us today we talk about the danger that presents particularly in the realm of interpretation. Thanks for watching! “Who are we to judge those who interpret the Bible differently?” by Alisa Childers & Rosaria Butterfield “Deconstructionism: Helpful or Hurtful? (Part #2)”

Addressing Redefined Words (GPS #15)

Of the several elements we talked about on Sunday, one of them was the redefinition of commonly used words in Christianity to something entirely other than their original definition and understanding. This tactic has been deceptive in progressive Christianity and lead to the deconstruction of people’s faith. We’re explore the redefinition of words further today with some steps to take and simple encouragements. God bless! “Deconstructionism: Helpful or Hurtful? (Part #2)”


The United States has had several months of turmoil whether from the virus or now the protests and various response to the issues of race and equality. As these days, weeks, and months have gone by, one word keeps occupying my mind – GOSPEL. Where to we find hope in times of fear? Where do we find security in moments of instability? Where do we find real change? The GOSPEL! This is the message we must preach that has changed…