'#prayer' Tagged Posts

'#prayer' Tagged Posts

Sovereignty & Suffering – God’s Character

Thanks for joining us today as we continue to build upon the content from Sunday’s sermon by revisiting elements like the main idea, exploring unanswered questions, and expanding more in depth into segments of the message. We trust you will be encouraged and challenged by the men and women of faith in Scripture as you see their walk of faith and love for the Lord. God bless! “No Plan of Yours Can Be Thwarted” (Job) CCLI Streaming License # 20229783

Are You Committed to Change?

Join us this week as we dive a bit deeper yet into Romans 12:1-2, continuing to explore what we started on Sunday and how it is to be lived. Today, we’ll look at the subject of sanctification as encouraged by the Apostle Paul in Romans 12. Glad to have you join us. We encourage you to view Sunday’s sermon if you haven’t had a chance to do so yet. CCLI Streaming License # 20229783

Renewing Your Mind

Join us this week as we dive a bit deeper yet into Romans 12:1-2, continuing to explore what we started on Sunday and how it is to be lived. Today, we’ll look at how to renew our minds. Glad to have you join us. We encourage you to view Sunday’s sermon if you haven’t had a chance to do so yet. CCLI Streaming License # 20229783

Actions Amidst Suffering

As we were in Romans 8 this past Sunday, we began to build a foundation of understanding suffering. Paul noted that glory is greater, we and creation both groan for redemption to be fully realized, and that as we wait, the Spirit of God intercedes for us. Today, let’s look at actions to take amidst suffering as we continue to build this foundation. Thanks for watching. “Our Present Suffering” (Romans 8:17b-27) CCLI Streaming License # 20229783

Responding to Tragedy

In light of the present tragedy near Nashville, I’d like to take some time to revisit a sermon I preached during the summer of 2022 about responding to tragedy. Within it are some key elements to remember and consider as we have our own responses toward this and as we talk with others. What does God think of this? Where is God? What is he doing? What is most important to remember? We’ll look at those questions and more. Thanks…

Tools for Spiritual Fitness

As you develop your spiritual fitness plan for 2023, I wanted to share some tools with you today that may help aid you in your purpose and goal. In this video we will also be reviewing that 5-facted fitness plan for 2023 and some general encouragements to start off the year well. “A Fitness Plan for the New Year” (1 Tim 4:6-11) Navigators Bible Reading Plans (scroll down on the link to find multiple plans) YouVersion (find on Google Play…

Worship God with Your Life (Ezra-Nehemiah Vlog #2)

Worship. Mention that word and it conjures pictures and emotions and thoughts within the believer’s mind. Maybe it a song that brought you through a difficult situation. Maybe it was a moment that made you feel embraced by God. We often use the word as an adjective, but Scripture uses it as a verb. Let’s dive deeper into “worship” looking at Romans 12 today. “Worship: Start Here” (Ezra 2-3)

The Word of God as Our Guide…Even on Prayer (Jas 5)

Sadly many have been deceived and given misinformation about the subject of prayer. It has left people with false hope. The same could be said of many other things in life including relationships, the keys to happiness, purpose and fulfillment in life. Through this segment today, may you be encouraged to let Scripture be your guide in all matters of life, searching it and finding what it has to say. Thanks for watching! “Let’s Pray” (Jas 5:13-18)

Constant Communication with God (Jas 5)

Prayer. It’s the red-phone to heaven. It’s the walkie-talkie to call in reinforcements. Sometimes we speak of it as a specially reserved time in our morning devotions or a segment of a service. But it is more than all of these things. It is living in constant communication with God – a constant attitude of dependence on him. Thanks for watching as we explore this important topic James highlights in ch. 5. “Let’s Pray” (Jas 5:13-18)

Depending on God

James confronts those living in complete independence of God at the end of chapter 4. If that is what living independently of God looks like, what is characteristic of a life dependent on God? Thanks for watching as we explore that question today!

Understanding Prayer – Jas 4

In place of a vlog that I would put together, I encourage you to watch these helpful thoughts on prayer from James 4. These pastors not only expound on the text but encourage us to think deeper on this subject. May you be challenged and encouraged by this today!


Diamonds are among the world’s most valuable treasures that men seek after. But something is of greater value still. Wisdom. But not just any wisdom, specifically wisdom from God. We’re continuing our study of James 1:5-8 from Sunday looking at the difference between faith, doubt, and unbelief which James brings up in the passage. All of this is key to the overall understanding that calls us to seek the wisdom of God to understand how we can have joy in…


In the last half of Genesis 12, Abram encounters a famine in the land. As a result, he moved to Egypt to escape this severe time for his family & fortune. While there was a famine in the land, you might also say that there was a famine of faith in Abram’s life. What do I mean and what can we learn from this time in Abram’s life? Join us today!


I love this book of 1 Thessalonians. I find myself saying that often about various portions of the Bible, but it’s about our Creator & Savior so why not love it! Here we see though the heart of Paul unfold for these believers, and how the gospel has changed their lives to the glory of God. Let’s read through this first chapter together.


As we read John 17, we see Jesus’ priestly prayer as he intercedes on behalf of his disciples and all believers yet to come. When I read this passage, I see the intimacy of the relationship between the Son and the Father. And it moves me. Here is a conversations between the persons of the God head. It challenges me to think of prayer beyond a set time or circumstance to continual conversations with my Abba Father throughout the day.…


In 1 Peter 5, we find a number of verses that are well known to us. They remind us about the spiritual warfare that is present in our world today that is often in the background and may even by the source of our sufferings. In the midst of these trials and difficulties though, we are reminded that God does care for us. Take a moment to read the passage and then watch this video. 1 Peter 5 NET


Philemon? Who’s that? It’s not a book that we normally turn to in the New Testament. In fact there is a lot we don’t know about the situation and the people who are a part of it. Yet there are timeless principles and applications to glean from this short 25 verse letter to Paul’s friend and brother in Christ. It only takes a couple of minutes to read. Then watch this video for nine quick points on the book. Philemon…


I don’t know where the phrase originated from but we often joked about it as we popped into friend’s rooms at college. The Apostle Paul calls us to be devoted to prayer on behalf of one another and then shows us the example of his dear ministry partner and friend, Epaphras. Epaphras struggled in prayer. Do we? Do we take prayer seriously. We serve the Creator God who is our Savior and Friend who listens to us and intervenes. Let’s…


Ephesians 3 contains a well known doxology of the Apostle Paul. As well known as these words are, they express the confidence Paul has in God as he reflects on what God has done in the church and asks God to do specific things within the Ephesian church. Take a moment to read Ephesians 3 and watch. Ephesians 3 NET


American Christianity often focuses on ourselves. The star of all of scripture though is God. We see that in Ephesians 1 as Paul writes about what GOD has done. He chose, he predestined, he adopted, he did, he lavished, etc. And if we remember what Paul says about us in Romans 5, God is definitely worthy of our praise as we read Ephesians 1. Take a moment to read and watch. God bless. Ephesians 1 NET
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