'#postmodernism' Tagged Posts

'#postmodernism' Tagged Posts

New Game. Same Results. (GPS #16)

It amazes me at times the decisions people make expecting different results. I don’t plead innocence in that at all. I’ve been there. Done that. My son, who is learning to crawl, keeps get getting stuck in a corner of the room. He enters it the same way every time, but somehow I think he is expecting different results each time. We see that between Modernism & Postmodernism which have essentially the same results as we get rid of God.…

Speak & Act (Jas 2:12)

Due to time, I was unable to finish my portion of text from James 2 on Sunday. See the link below for that sermon. Today, let’s look at James 2:12. James talks about the subject of judgment which has a bad flavor in the mouth of many people today but an irrefutable doctrine on the Bible. What is so important about it for our lives as Christians? Thanks for watching. “The Plague of Partiality” (Jas 2:1-13)


The problem of good and evil has been ongoing for centuries. People are particularly confounded about how to tackle this issue as they see the evil and the world and read about the goodness of God in the Scriptures. I was disturbed recently by a statement a fellow graduate school student made. Why? Take a moment to watch.