'#philippians' Tagged Posts

'#philippians' Tagged Posts

I’ve Got This. Trust Me. (Anxiety)

Worry. Anxiety. Frustrations. These all come easy to us and there are plenty of catalysts on a daily basis to stir them up in our lives. But as we face them, we always have a choice. We can choose to turn inwardly and try to solve the problems ourselves. Or we can turn outwardly toward God and seek him. Join as we focus on Philippians 4:6-7 today and work through a few thoughts on anxiety. CCLI Streaming License # 20229783

Thoughts on Complaining

Thanks for joining us today as we continue to build upon the content from Sunday’s sermon by revisiting the main idea, exploring unanswered questions, and expanding more in depth into segments of the message. We trust you will be encouraged and challenged by the men and women of faith in Scripture as you see their walk of faith and love for the Lord. God bless! “Snapshots from the Life of Moses” CCLI Streaming License # 20229783

Dual Citizenship (GPS Vlog #2)

Christians have a unique identity. Not only are we citizens of our respective countries of origin (or more generally citizens of earth), but we are also citizens of heaven. I find that when it comes to hot topics as we are discussing in our new sermon series that we tend to side with the earthly rather than heavenly citizenship. Today, we’re diving into this subject of dual citizenship and what it means for us in our interactions with others and…


It makes a vast difference in the course of our lives in who we place at the center of it. And it affects our gospel witness as well. What am I talking about? Perhaps Philippians 2:14-15 will give you a clue. Developing this attitude is of such importance not only relationally, but for our witness as well.


Honor – a word I often relate to those who are serving in the military or our first responders. People who have dedicated their lives to serving others. Honor is a word we find often in the Scriptures. We are to honor God. Paul speaks of honor as well in relation to one another as he gives Timothy instructions about church life. It all starts though with humility. 1 Timothy 5 NET Philippians 2 NET


There has been much discussion over recent years about citizenship. The Apostle Paul talks about a greater citizenship that believers possess than being citizens of any country here on earth. Believers are heavenly citizens. That citizenship reminds of two things. Take a moment to watch and find out.