'#peace' Tagged Posts

'#peace' Tagged Posts

PD’s Reflections – Conflict – What’s Your Response? – December 7, 2022

Conflict is inevitable in a world full of broken and sinful people. Even the Apostle Paul had conflict with his coworker in the faith, Barnabas. And while we typically choose either a fight or flight response toward conflict, there is a third option. There is a gospel-related way of responding to conflict. Thanks for joining us today as we look at this and the helpful information contained in Ken Sande’s book “The Peacemaker”. “High Taxes & Fake News” – Neh…

Alleviating Skepticism with Wisdom (Jas 3)

I was reading an article today talking about skepticism toward Christianity. While there were several reasons for that skepticism, one of them dealt specifically with what we have been talking about in James 3. And wisdom is the key to resolving this matter. Thanks for watching! “Heavenly vs. Earthly Wisdom” (Jas 3:13-18) CCLI Streaming License # 20229783


The issue of racism is connected to a deeper issue of prejudice which has plagued humanity for thousands of years. Prejudice has not been shown to just one group of people as we commonly think of in our U.S. context. Through the centuries various groups have been show prejudice like the Jews and the Roma people. Amidst all the solutions offered by society, none seems to truly solve the issue. What can be done? What real solutions are there? That’s…


In a world full of bad news, this is the best news of all. Hope in a world filled wit hopelessness. Security in a world of uncertainty. Freedom in a world enslaved. Joy and peace in a world that is anything but. This is about your eternity and your present.


The word “Lord” is an important one for our daily Christian walk to remember. It reminds us that we are under the authority of Christ and called to walk in his will. Yet if we’re honest, we often just happy with him being our Savior rather than our Lord. Lord implies that I must submit to his control in my life. As unpleasant as our world makes that sound and deceived us into believe it is, it is in submission…


Romans 5 paints for us both sides of the gospel message. We that we deserved judgement and yet God showed us love and through faith in him we have peace. We praise God who has loved us so greatly, even when we were unloveable.