'#partiality' Tagged Posts

'#partiality' Tagged Posts


The issue of racism is connected to a deeper issue of prejudice which has plagued humanity for thousands of years. Prejudice has not been shown to just one group of people as we commonly think of in our U.S. context. Through the centuries various groups have been show prejudice like the Jews and the Roma people. Amidst all the solutions offered by society, none seems to truly solve the issue. What can be done? What real solutions are there? That’s…

Speak & Act (Jas 2:12)

Due to time, I was unable to finish my portion of text from James 2 on Sunday. See the link below for that sermon. Today, let’s look at James 2:12. James talks about the subject of judgment which has a bad flavor in the mouth of many people today but an irrefutable doctrine on the Bible. What is so important about it for our lives as Christians? Thanks for watching. “The Plague of Partiality” (Jas 2:1-13)