'#opportunity' Tagged Posts

'#opportunity' Tagged Posts

An Opportunity for Worship

Men and women are obviously different. Genesis 2 tells us that we were created to compliment one another. What one lacks the other supplies and vice versa. Do we truly see those differences though as an opportunity to worship God? Join us through this week and next as we continue to solidify and further build on this issue of biblical masculinity & femininity. CCLI Streaming License # 20229783

I Am Not Ashamed & I Will Not Be Afraid

Who do you say I am? We talked Sunday that answering this question provides a basis for answering all the other questions in life. Thus, it is key that we answer the question of Jesus identity correctly and come to the conclusion that he is our Savior and Lord. As ambassadors, which we talked about yesterday, we are called to help others come to this important conclusion as well. What gets in the way of this though many times? That’s…