'#mission' Tagged Posts

'#mission' Tagged Posts

You ARE Salt & Light

Returning back to the subject of Sunday’s sermon (see link below), we are expanding today on what is means to be salt and light from Matthew 5. As always, we pray you are encourage and challenge to a great walk of faith and love for the Lord and other as we are in the Word together today. God bless! “New Year. Same God. Same Calling.” CCLI Streaming License # 20229783

One Sphere. Our Everyday Mission.

In our present day and age with all its technologies, it is hard to compartmentalize parts of life. Our phones connect us to every part of the world, so much so that work follows us home many times anymore. Yet for all the interconnectedness of other things in life, it seems at tims that we are unfortunately successful at compartmentalizing the spiritual from everything else. Paul challenged us with a few thoughts on vision on Sunday. I’d like to springboard…

Preach the Gospel…AND USE WORDS

The Gospel and evangelism has been on my mind much recently. I want to take a detour this week to focus on that with a few simple, yet necessary, encouragements. We have been given this great mission by our Lord and Savior. And before us is a world in need of this great news that we ourselves had taken ahold of and benefitted so greatly by. Thanks for watching.

Finding the Gospel Gates

The Gospel and evangelism has been on my mind much recently. I want to take a detour this week to focus on that with a few simple, yet necessary, encouragements. We have been given this great mission by our Lord and Savior. And before us is a world in need of this great news that we ourselves had taken ahold of and benefitted so greatly by. Thanks for watching.

Is the Christian Worldview Gone? (GPS Vlog #7)

Many years ago now, there as an uproar when former President Obama remarked that the U.S. was not a “Christian nation.” While there may have been a lot of resistance to this statement, two polling agencies discovered that he may not be far from the truth. Join us today as we explore the subject of worldviews and what present surveys tell us about the state of our nation and the church and the great responsibility and mission we have before…


We would normally be in 2 Corinthians 10 today, but I saw a video today that I felt was important to share. We are called to love God & love others (Matthew 22). Let’s purpose to do so with humility recognizing that we ourselves are flawed people who are dependent upon the grace of God every single day.


Open the Facebook app or a web browser and you’ll see near the top of the page: “What’s on your mind?” Social media has been both a blessing and a curse to our world. Satan in particular has tricked us with it at times. Take a few moments to consider your social media use and watch this video.


What does a Case IH 8210 combine & 72 men have in common? Harvesting. Luke 10 talks about harvesting souls and couples with it a comment that becomes a warning of sorts about rejecting Jesus. Fellow believers, we have an important mission given us by our Creator and Savior – sharing the message of the gospel. For those that have never placed their faith in Christ, please know that one day the opportunity will run out. Please don’t be caught…


I remember my heritage being mentioned various times as I grew up, especially in the phrase: “If you ain’t Dutch, you ain’t much.” The Jews took pride in their heritage, but it gave them a false sense of security. Paul tells us in Romans 4 that salvation has never been by works. Rather, it is a beautiful portrait of faith and grace.