'#misconceptions' Tagged Posts

'#misconceptions' Tagged Posts

Worship God with Your Life (Ezra-Nehemiah Vlog #2)

Worship. Mention that word and it conjures pictures and emotions and thoughts within the believer’s mind. Maybe it a song that brought you through a difficult situation. Maybe it was a moment that made you feel embraced by God. We often use the word as an adjective, but Scripture uses it as a verb. Let’s dive deeper into “worship” looking at Romans 12 today. “Worship: Start Here” (Ezra 2-3)

Paradise…It’s More Than You Think (GPS #5)

You hear or read reports about mortality rates from time to time. The mortality rate for mankind is 100%. Death is a part of life that many are not comfortable talking about. It is a necessary conversation though particularly because there are only two destinies for us as we die: 1) eternal separation from God or 2) eternal fellowship in the presence of God. There are many misconceptions about heaven. We’re going to right a few of those today and…


There are common misconceptions in our day – things that people believe that are not in fact true at all. There are several misconceptions when it comes to the subject of heaven. The Sadducees spoke of some in Luke 20. And while the question revolves around resurrection, our attention should be drawn to who the “worthy” person is. Luke 20 NET