'#minister' Tagged Posts

'#minister' Tagged Posts


I normally publish a video during on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with a passage or question to focus on to encourage and equip the church. Wednesdays, I focus usually an answering a question. As I was thinking on what I might cover today, I kept coming back to our subject on Sunday (#ConvenientChristianity) as we focus on this study Rooted (Grounded in the Word. Prepared for the Future.). As I was preparing last week for Sunday, I came across an…


As I read 1 John 2:6, I often think of the word obedience. To walk as Jesus walked though isn’t just about keeping a set of rules. Read through the gospels and you’ll note how he interacted with people. He used every opportunity to point people to truth and to the life found in him. As we go through our days, let’s not get so busy as to miss these opportunities to be light and salt as we show the…