'#manna' Tagged Posts

'#manna' Tagged Posts

Trusting the Provider Over the Provision

We take many things for granted as we live from day to day. May times we credit all that we have to our strength, wit, and even family background. Acts 17:25 reminds us that all we have is from God. As we examine a snippet from Luke today, we find that it ties directly to our studies in the Gospel of John & our focus recently on the Feast of Tabernacles or Sukkot. Join us as we are challenged to…

Complaining to Gratitude

As we look at the world around us, it is easy to find something to complain about. It comes natural to us. Whether it’s politics, something happening in our local community or our families, even our health, complaining comes easy. What is harder is for us to refocus our eyes to the goodness of God and how we’ve seen his grace this day. This is the transformation the gospel calls us to. CCLI Streaming License # 20229783