'#man' Tagged Posts

'#man' Tagged Posts

An Opportunity for Worship

Men and women are obviously different. Genesis 2 tells us that we were created to compliment one another. What one lacks the other supplies and vice versa. Do we truly see those differences though as an opportunity to worship God? Join us through this week and next as we continue to solidify and further build on this issue of biblical masculinity & femininity. CCLI Streaming License # 20229783

What Does God Think? (Masculinity & Femininity Vlog 1)

There is much talk today about what it means to be a man or woman. Just ask someone what they think the phrases “Good Man” vs. “Real Man” mean to them and you’ll begin to see. Today’s vlog is a continuation of the discussion from Sunday on this subject of what biblical masculinity and femininity look like. We laid a foundation on these elements from Genesis 3 then. Join us through this week and next as we continue to solidify…


Today’s text once more proves how fundamental these opening chapters of Genesis are to many Christian beliefs. Today’s text hits the image of man, genders, and marriage among other things. The word that sticks out to me though is this: “formed”. God formed man. He’s formed you (Ps 139). And that puts us in a unique position with purpose. Join us!