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Security & Fruit (Jas 5)

At the end of James, he calls us to seek the lost whether that be an unbeliever in the midst of the church or a believer who is caught up in sin. That study on Sunday naturally leads us into a conversation about eternal security and how maybe we have abused it at times. Thanks for joining us today! “To Seek & Save the Lost”

Letting Jesus’ Identity Affect Us for the Gospel (Mark 8)

Sunday we talked about being on a continual quest as disciples to understand the identity of Jesus more each day. That knowledge of his identity as we live in relationship with him should have an impact on our own person. We explore briefly what him being our Savior and Lord means for our lives. Let’s continue that discussion today and letting the identity of Jesus affect our person. “Who Do You Say I Am?” – April 10, 2022 Sermon (Palm…

Speak & Act (Jas 2:12)

Due to time, I was unable to finish my portion of text from James 2 on Sunday. See the link below for that sermon. Today, let’s look at James 2:12. James talks about the subject of judgment which has a bad flavor in the mouth of many people today but an irrefutable doctrine on the Bible. What is so important about it for our lives as Christians? Thanks for watching. “The Plague of Partiality” (Jas 2:1-13)


Revenge. A dish best served cold. Or so the saying goes. Reading from the book of Proverbs however, we find that it is a dish best NEVER served at all. Rather, we are called to entrust these hurts, these acts of evil against us unto the Lord. What are we instead called to and is there perhaps a greater purpose? We’ll explore that today.


In the military, training is not only to defeat an enemy or help you personally in a situation, but also to help your fellow soldiers. In the church, our gathering times are in a sense a training grounds. We often approach those gathers with a mindset of what’s in it for me personally. Based on 2 Timothy 3:16-17 and what we’re going through in Ephesians, I’d encourage you that our times are training so that we might be equipped to…


Sometimes we skip over the introduction and conclusion of a book. Yet these ections of a book can be a gold mine if we take the time. 1 Corinthains 16 is one of those instances. As the Apostle Paul closes his letter, he gives some final instructions that we need to pay attention to. Take a moment to read 1 Corinthians 16 and then watch. 1 Corinthians 16 NET


I don’t know where the phrase originated from but we often joked about it as we popped into friend’s rooms at college. The Apostle Paul calls us to be devoted to prayer on behalf of one another and then shows us the example of his dear ministry partner and friend, Epaphras. Epaphras struggled in prayer. Do we? Do we take prayer seriously. We serve the Creator God who is our Savior and Friend who listens to us and intervenes. Let’s…


As I am studying the book of Jonah presently for a school paper, I was hit with some thoughts on Jonah 4 as I was doing research today. God is quick to show mercy to the sailors, to Jonah, and to the Ninevites, but Jonah gets angry with God for showing mercy to the latter. Do we who’ve been shown so much mercy think it should be withheld from others? That’s the discussion today as we look at the book…