'#loveofchrist' Tagged Posts

'#loveofchrist' Tagged Posts

Loving the Unlovable

As I was thinking further on Romans 2-3, it made me think of how this looks in combination with a very well-known passage. And as we think on that passage as well today, it encourages us to deeper affection for our neighbors whether or not we think that they deserve it. Thanks for watching. “A Universal Cancer” (Romans 2:1-3:23)

Do You See the Grace of God? (Rom 8)

The great hymn of the faith comes to mind today – “Wonderful grace of Jesus, greater than all my sin…” Are you singing the rest of the verse now? But it’s true. God’s grace is wonderful and Romans 8 highlights (and not just the chapter but the whole book) the grace of God for us. How do you see the grace of God as you read through it? Take a moment today to watch and then reflect on the wonderful…


Ephesians 5 is all about relationships. Paul gives important instructions for marriage relationships and that discussion continues into chapter 6 on family and work relationships as well. As we purpose to implement these instructions in our lives through the power of the Spirit and letting him do his work in us, we set up our relationships to be successful. Take some time today to read the passage and reflect on your own relationship. How might you further implement these instructions.…