'#love' Tagged Posts

'#love' Tagged Posts

We Need God Always

Thanks for joining us today as we reflect on a beloved hymn of the faith that reminds us, along with many passages of Scripture, of our constant need for the Lord. We don’t just need him when we think we do but always. And may we move from needing the Lord to wanting him in every moment of our day every day. God bless! CCLI Streaming License # 20229783

Love & Discipleship at Home

Thanks for joining us today as we continue to build upon the content from Sunday’s sermon by revisiting elements like the main idea, exploring unanswered questions, and expanding more in depth into segments of the message. We trust you will be encouraged and challenged by the men and women of faith in Scripture as you see their walk of faith and love for the Lord. God bless! To view this past Sunday’s sermon & the clip used within this vlog,…

Contrasts of Faith

Thanks for joining us today as we continue to build upon the content from Sunday’s sermon by revisiting elements like the main idea, exploring unanswered questions, and expanding more in depth into segments of the message. We trust you will be encouraged and challenged by the men and women of faith in Scripture as you see their walk of faith and love for the Lord. God bless! “The Lord Is My Salvation” (Elisha)

Contentment & Obedience

Thanks for joining us today as we continue to build upon the content from Sunday’s sermon by revisiting elements like the main idea, exploring unanswered questions, and expanding more in depth into segments of the message. We trust you will be encouraged and challenged by the men and women of faith in Scripture as you see their walk of faith and love for the Lord. God bless! “Learning from a Foreigner’s Faith” (Ruth) For the article I read from today…

Loving One Another in Speech

Love one another. It’s a phrase that is widely used in church slogans and vision statements. It’s something that our world too encourages. Yet, if we take even a brief glimpse inside and outside the church, we clearly see that we are always very loving (sometimes very little so). Those changed by the gospel are called to put love into practice. Join us today as we examine what that looks like practically in an arena that is common to all…

Gospel Shaped Perspectives on Suffering

Join us this week as we cover Romans 12:12 which we skipped over this past Sunday. We encourage you to view Sunday’s sermon if you haven’t had a chance to do so yet (https://youtu.be/Ow84_x_aXd8). CCLI Streaming License # 20229783

Be Sent

A simple title but it references what we discussed as one of our closing points on Sunday–the important of take the good news of Jesus Christ to those in need. Paul tells us in Romans 10 that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word preached. If we hope for people to respond to the gospel message, we must proclaim it. At minimum, we can invite people to attend a church service with us. With nearly everything online today,…

God’s Holiness & Our Need for Christ

I was greatly impacted some time ago by a book I was reading that brought me into a deeper understanding of the holiness of God and our great need for Christ as our Savior. As I read those words, it left me with praise for what God has done in my life as I think on my own sinfulness in comparison to his holiness and the immense kindness shown me on the cross. Take a moment to watch as I…

Loving the Unlovable

As I was thinking further on Romans 2-3, it made me think of how this looks in combination with a very well-known passage. And as we think on that passage as well today, it encourages us to deeper affection for our neighbors whether or not we think that they deserve it. Thanks for watching. “A Universal Cancer” (Romans 2:1-3:23)

Confrontation for Spiritual Maturity – How & When

From Nehemiah 13, we saw indeed the need to confront spiritual apathy or complacency or moral permissiveness in the lives of fellow believers. For as much as we may dislike this, it is a sign of mutual love and part of the process of the church growing collectively toward spiritual maturity. The question is how though? And when? Let’s take a look today at some great wisdom on how to confront a fellow believer who is in sin. Thanks for…

PD’s Reflections – Conflict – What’s Your Response? – December 7, 2022

Conflict is inevitable in a world full of broken and sinful people. Even the Apostle Paul had conflict with his coworker in the faith, Barnabas. And while we typically choose either a fight or flight response toward conflict, there is a third option. There is a gospel-related way of responding to conflict. Thanks for joining us today as we look at this and the helpful information contained in Ken Sande’s book “The Peacemaker”. “High Taxes & Fake News” – Neh…

No More Excuses (Ezra-Nehemiah Vlog #4)

The book of Haggai, which gives us further background to the events of Ezra, shows us that part of the issue with the temple not being completed is that people were making excuses. It’s something that we are all pretty good at. Let’s take some time together to look at excuses vs. obedience.

Gender & Sexuality Questions – Part 3 (GPS #10)

The subject of gender and sexuality host to a plethora of questions as one seeks to understand it biblically and have a Christ-like response to this social issue of our day. For three sessions, we’ll explore some pertinent questions that will add to the sermons on July 3rd and 10th as we seek to gain a God-Positioned Stance on it. “Fearfully & Wonderfully Made” (Part #2) – Psalm 139 “Messy Grace” by Caleb Kaltenbach “God & the Transgender Debate” by…

Gender & Sexuality Questions – Part 2 (GPS #9)

The subject of gender and sexuality host to a plethora of questions as one seeks to understand it biblically and have a Christ-like response to this social issue of our day. For three sessions, we’ll explore some pertinent questions that will add to the sermons on July 3rd and 10th as we seek to gain a God-Positioned Stance on it. “Fearfully & Wonderfully Made” (Part #2) – Psalm 139

Gender & Sexuality Questions – Part 1 (GPS Vlog #8)

The subject of gender and sexuality host to a plethora of questions as one seeks to understand it biblically and have a Christ-like response to this social issue of our day. For three session, we’ll explore some pertinent questions that will add to the sermons on July 3rd and 10th as we seek to gain a God-Positioned Stance on it. “Fearfully & Wonderfully Made” (Part #1) – Psalm 139

Contentment Surgery (Jas 5)

James, while addressing the issue of oppression by the rich, hints at a character quality we must develop for our lives–contentment. This subject applies not just to finances but to many areas of life. But in order to come to that place, we need some spiritual surgery. What’s the deeper issue? Thanks for watching. See these videos: “It’s a Trap!” – Jas 5:1-6 (May 8, 2022 Sermon) & “I Want! I Want! I Want!” by Paul Tripp CCLI Streaming License…

God’s Faithfulness Hasn’t Changed

God was faithful in bringing what he promised to pass as we talked last time. Sometimes however, we doubt his faithfulness from an experiential level as we encounter certain events and times in our lives. But his faithfulness never changes. He always has a plan, is always working it out for our best and his glory. Thanks for watching!

Is Good Friday Really Good?

My son asked us the other day at dinner about the origins of Good Friday. He wasn’t referencing the biblical account by the eptimology of the phrase itself. So we looked into a bit this week. Is Good Friday really good? Thanks for watching! “Who Do You Say I Am?” – April 10, 2022 Sermon “What’s So Good About Good Friday?” – Passion Conference CCLI Streaming License # 20229783


The issue of racism is connected to a deeper issue of prejudice which has plagued humanity for thousands of years. Prejudice has not been shown to just one group of people as we commonly think of in our U.S. context. Through the centuries various groups have been show prejudice like the Jews and the Roma people. Amidst all the solutions offered by society, none seems to truly solve the issue. What can be done? What real solutions are there? That’s…

Speak & Act (Jas 2:12)

Due to time, I was unable to finish my portion of text from James 2 on Sunday. See the link below for that sermon. Today, let’s look at James 2:12. James talks about the subject of judgment which has a bad flavor in the mouth of many people today but an irrefutable doctrine on the Bible. What is so important about it for our lives as Christians? Thanks for watching. “The Plague of Partiality” (Jas 2:1-13)