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You ARE Salt & Light
Returning back to the subject of Sunday’s sermon (see link below), we are expanding today on what is means to be salt and light from Matthew 5. As always, we pray you are encourage and challenge to a great walk of faith and love for the Lord and other as we are in the Word together today. God bless! “New Year. Same God. Same Calling.” CCLI Streaming License # 20229783
Paul as he writes this letter to Titus whose working with those in Crete encourage him to teaching the people what behavior is befitting the gospel, their new life in Christ. Through these verse, we see not only the challenge to godly living to be examples to those around us. By doing so, we equip one another to walk more intune with the footsteps of Jesus. Take moment to read Titus 2 & then watch. Titus 2 NET