'#john' Tagged Posts

'#john' Tagged Posts

Are You Committed to Change?

Join us this week as we dive a bit deeper yet into Romans 12:1-2, continuing to explore what we started on Sunday and how it is to be lived. Today, we’ll look at the subject of sanctification as encouraged by the Apostle Paul in Romans 12. Glad to have you join us. We encourage you to view Sunday’s sermon if you haven’t had a chance to do so yet. CCLI Streaming License # 20229783

Renewing Your Mind

Join us this week as we dive a bit deeper yet into Romans 12:1-2, continuing to explore what we started on Sunday and how it is to be lived. Today, we’ll look at how to renew our minds. Glad to have you join us. We encourage you to view Sunday’s sermon if you haven’t had a chance to do so yet. CCLI Streaming License # 20229783

Loving the Unlovable

As I was thinking further on Romans 2-3, it made me think of how this looks in combination with a very well-known passage. And as we think on that passage as well today, it encourages us to deeper affection for our neighbors whether or not we think that they deserve it. Thanks for watching. “A Universal Cancer” (Romans 2:1-3:23)

Security & Fruit (Jas 5)

At the end of James, he calls us to seek the lost whether that be an unbeliever in the midst of the church or a believer who is caught up in sin. That study on Sunday naturally leads us into a conversation about eternal security and how maybe we have abused it at times. Thanks for joining us today! “To Seek & Save the Lost”

Depending on God

James confronts those living in complete independence of God at the end of chapter 4. If that is what living independently of God looks like, what is characteristic of a life dependent on God? Thanks for watching as we explore that question today!


Jesus is God. He himself proved it and addressed the subject time and time again. Where would you go to prove that though? What passages come to mind? We’re going to explore a few in John’s gospel today. Join us! It’s crucial to know where to God when the question comes. “10 Biblical Reasons Jesus Is God” by Answers in Genesis


The word “Lord” is an important one for our daily Christian walk to remember. It reminds us that we are under the authority of Christ and called to walk in his will. Yet if we’re honest, we often just happy with him being our Savior rather than our Lord. Lord implies that I must submit to his control in my life. As unpleasant as our world makes that sound and deceived us into believe it is, it is in submission…


Everyone starts somewhere. You’re familiar with that phrase I am sure. Usually we use it in regard to progress in life. But it is also an adequate description of what people believe the basic fundamentals that we accept. We call the presuppositions. And we’re exploring that today. Everyone from the Christian to atheist has presuppositions.


I just love the gospel of John which is so simple to understand yet as deep as the ocean in its theology. John 20 reveals to us John’s purpose in composing this book–that people would read it and choose to believe in Jesus as their Savior. The last part of v. 31 stood out to me – “have life in his name”. It it true that belief in Jesus brings eternal life for anyone making that step of faith. The…


As we read John 17, we see Jesus’ priestly prayer as he intercedes on behalf of his disciples and all believers yet to come. When I read this passage, I see the intimacy of the relationship between the Son and the Father. And it moves me. Here is a conversations between the persons of the God head. It challenges me to think of prayer beyond a set time or circumstance to continual conversations with my Abba Father throughout the day.…


There is much that can distress our hearts and minds today. Just think through the social and political turmoil over the last year. Then we add to that the daily events in our lives that tug at our hearts and minds to worry and be anxious. Jesus calls us to a different path – “Do not let your hearts be troubled.” He calls us to rest in him and trust in him. It’s not always easy, but it gives a…


Your will be done. Can we honestly say that? Is that our prayer and mindset everyday? That not matter what comes our way that we willingly surrender our own will, our own plans, to the will of the Father? In 1 John 2:6, John calls us to walk as Jesus walked. As we read from John 12 today, we get a glimpse of what that looks like. Jesus lived in complete surrender to the will of the Father, to the…


John 5 is a great chapter on the deity of Jesus. Remember John’s purpose in writing was to show Jesus as the Son of God and lead people to believe in him so they might have eternal life. Take a moment to read the chapter and then watch this on a crucial chapter in the Gospels to the theology of Jesus deity. John 5 NET