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'#holyspirit' Tagged Posts

Are You Committed to Change?

Join us this week as we dive a bit deeper yet into Romans 12:1-2, continuing to explore what we started on Sunday and how it is to be lived. Today, we’ll look at the subject of sanctification as encouraged by the Apostle Paul in Romans 12. Glad to have you join us. We encourage you to view Sunday’s sermon if you haven’t had a chance to do so yet. CCLI Streaming License # 20229783

Renewing Your Mind

Join us this week as we dive a bit deeper yet into Romans 12:1-2, continuing to explore what we started on Sunday and how it is to be lived. Today, we’ll look at how to renew our minds. Glad to have you join us. We encourage you to view Sunday’s sermon if you haven’t had a chance to do so yet. CCLI Streaming License # 20229783

God’s Restraints on Evil: Government & Church

As we finished up Romans 1, one of the questions we are left asking is whether or not God restrains evil at all in this world. If the world is as bad as Paul says it is, how do we account for the “good” we do see in the world? Today, we’ll discuss 2 of 4 different restraints God has placed in the world and the responsibility these elements call us to. Thanks for watching! “Mayday, Mayday! We’re Going Down!”…

God’s Restraints on Evil: Conscience & Family

As we finished up Romans 1, one of the questions we are left asking is whether or not God restrains evil at all in this world. If the world is as bad as Paul says it is, how do we account for the “good” we do see in the world? Today, we’ll discuss 2 of 4 different restraints God has placed in the world and the responsibility these elements call us to. Thanks for watching! “Mayday, Mayday! We’re Going Down!”…

We Suppress(ed) the Truth

The wrath of God is an often misinterpreted subject. On Sunday, from Romans 1:18-23, we gained a clearer picture of not only God’s wrath but why we deserved it. Today, we’re exploring the text a bit deeper seeing that Paul expressed our guilt six different times in the passage and what happens when we “exchange”. We using a more interactive format today that we trust will be beneficial. Thanks for watching. “An Unpopular Thought: God’s Wrath” (Rom 1:18-23)

Contentment Surgery (Jas 5)

James, while addressing the issue of oppression by the rich, hints at a character quality we must develop for our lives–contentment. This subject applies not just to finances but to many areas of life. But in order to come to that place, we need some spiritual surgery. What’s the deeper issue? Thanks for watching. See these videos: “It’s a Trap!” – Jas 5:1-6 (May 8, 2022 Sermon) & “I Want! I Want! I Want!” by Paul Tripp CCLI Streaming License…


James calls us to be “doers of the Word.” Using the analogy of a train track as a comparison to the Word, the train finds the greatest freedom on the track. Despite what our world thinks, freedom truly found in Christ and in obedience to the Word. But the train gets nowhere without an imporant part of the train. We’re exploring that today in relation to the Christian life. Thanks for watching! “Listen & Live It” – Jas 1:22-27 (February…


The doctrine of the Trinity is one that boggles our minds. It has also been a point of contention within the church over the years. And in an effort to understand it completely on a human level, it has lead to a variety of heresies. Understanding the Trinity as the Bible presents it is vital to our lives, vital to our salvation, and very applicable to our lives.


From a theological standpoint, 2 Peter 1 is very important as it reveals to use the nature of the Scriptures, their origin, how they came to be. That theological tidbit though has greater practical implications for us as it points to the truthfulness of the Word of God and it’s beneficial application to and for our lives. 2 Peter 1 NET


I personally like apples…and strawberry jelly, but that’s not so much fruit as it is fruit turned into something else. Jesus though tells us in Luke 6 that the fruit we produces (our actions, thoughts, & words) reveal a the nature of what’s within – the spiritual condition of our hearts. What we feed ourselves is important. My other thought was that what comes out is also important as it affects those around us for good or bad in our…


Temptation. As long as you’re on this side of heaven, it is something that we all face. The Apostle Paul talked of this reality in Romans 7. How do we handle it though? What can we do to prepare for it? How overcome it? Luke 4 offers some valuable insites as we look at Jeus life and ministry coupled with some additional passages of Scripture. Luke 4 NET


Romans 8 is great chapter! It is a conclusion in the middle of the book to the first section (chs. 1-8). Paul has traced in these chapters man’s great problem (sin), the avenue to salvation (faith), and what God has done to provide the solution (life in/through Christ Jesus). Chapter 8 concludes reminding us amazingly how God is for us! Take a moment to read it and then watch this video.