'#holiness' Tagged Posts
God’s Holiness & Our Need for Christ
I was greatly impacted some time ago by a book I was reading that brought me into a deeper understanding of the holiness of God and our great need for Christ as our Savior. As I read those words, it left me with praise for what God has done in my life as I think on my own sinfulness in comparison to his holiness and the immense kindness shown me on the cross. Take a moment to watch as I…
Repentance and Opposition
Sunday, we worked through Ezra and and focused on the litmus tests of genuine repentance. We skipped on last point though that happens to revolve around one of the most difficult verses in Ezra. Today we explore that verse and expound on that last point as we continue looking at genuine repentance. Thanks for watching! “Is It the Real Deal?” (Ezra 10)
Hopeful Mourning – A Path Preventing Despair
Yesterday, we looked at these questions: “To what degree should we mourn over the sins of others? Are we supposed to go around depressed all the time?” As I finished up and posted yesterday’s vlog though, I realized that I forgot an important part. To prevent entering a constant state of despair, let’s look at hope and how it correlates with mourning. “Because of Our Wicked Actions…” (Ezra 9)
Mourning Over Sin – Can We Take It Too Far?
Today’s vlog stems not only from what we discussed on Sunday but from an application question I was reading this week as I was preparing for my weekly vlogs. It’s this: “To what degree should we mourn over the sins of others? Are we supposed to go around depressed all the time?” It took a bit extra time to look at this subject this week. Join us today as we begin to unpack those questions. “Because of Our Wicked Actions…”…
Dual Citizenship (GPS Vlog #2)
Christians have a unique identity. Not only are we citizens of our respective countries of origin (or more generally citizens of earth), but we are also citizens of heaven. I find that when it comes to hot topics as we are discussing in our new sermon series that we tend to side with the earthly rather than heavenly citizenship. Today, we’re diving into this subject of dual citizenship and what it means for us in our interactions with others and…
Speak & Act (Jas 2:12)
Due to time, I was unable to finish my portion of text from James 2 on Sunday. See the link below for that sermon. Today, let’s look at James 2:12. James talks about the subject of judgment which has a bad flavor in the mouth of many people today but an irrefutable doctrine on the Bible. What is so important about it for our lives as Christians? Thanks for watching. “The Plague of Partiality” (Jas 2:1-13)
In 1961, Elvis Presley released his hit single “Can’t Help Falling In Love”. Falling in love. It’s a common phrase that we use when talking about relationships and how we have moved from friends to the next level of seriousness. But it has also become an excuse for why believers are dating and have married unbelievers. While love does conjure and appeal to our emotions, it is also an action. Continuing the subject of Sunday’s sermon, let’s look at Ephesians…
Foreigner. Exile. Alien. We’re not talking about immigration policy or the next ET film. We’re actually talking about believers. Yes, Peter says that we, believers, are foreigners, exiles, and aliens. What does he mean? Take a moment to read the chapter and then watch this video. 1 Peter 2 NET
Paul as he writes this letter to Titus whose working with those in Crete encourage him to teaching the people what behavior is befitting the gospel, their new life in Christ. Through these verse, we see not only the challenge to godly living to be examples to those around us. By doing so, we equip one another to walk more intune with the footsteps of Jesus. Take moment to read Titus 2 & then watch. Titus 2 NET
We all worship some kind of god. It is either one in our own likeness that follows our desires and lusts or the Sovereign Creator of the Universe who is also our Savior. The word holy kept running around in my mind today in correlation with Isaiah 40. We serve a holy, a DISTINCT God who calls us as well to be DISTINCT. Holiness is more than just following a list of “do nots” but also clothing ourselves with the…
I heard a joke many years ago that has stuck with me. Though various versions likely exist, it goes something like this: God was sitting in heaven one day when a scientist said to Him, “God, we don’t need you anymore. Science has finally figured out a way to create life out of nothing – in other words, we can now do what you did in the beginning.” “Oh, is that so? Tell Me…” replies God. “Well,” says the scientist,…