'#grace' Tagged Posts

'#grace' Tagged Posts

Trusting the Provider Over the Provision

We take many things for granted as we live from day to day. May times we credit all that we have to our strength, wit, and even family background. Acts 17:25 reminds us that all we have is from God. As we examine a snippet from Luke today, we find that it ties directly to our studies in the Gospel of John & our focus recently on the Feast of Tabernacles or Sukkot. Join us as we are challenged to…

Complaining to Gratitude

As we look at the world around us, it is easy to find something to complain about. It comes natural to us. Whether it’s politics, something happening in our local community or our families, even our health, complaining comes easy. What is harder is for us to refocus our eyes to the goodness of God and how we’ve seen his grace this day. This is the transformation the gospel calls us to. CCLI Streaming License # 20229783

We Need God Always

Thanks for joining us today as we reflect on a beloved hymn of the faith that reminds us, along with many passages of Scripture, of our constant need for the Lord. We don’t just need him when we think we do but always. And may we move from needing the Lord to wanting him in every moment of our day every day. God bless! CCLI Streaming License # 20229783

Wholesome Talk (Part 2) – Gospel Shaped Speech & Reactions

Thanks for joining us today as we continue to build upon the content from Sunday’s sermon by revisiting elements like the main idea, exploring unanswered questions, and expanding more in depth into segments of the message. We trust you will be encouraged and challenged by the men and women of faith in Scripture as you see their walk of faith and love for the Lord. God bless! The Communication Sermons: #1 – “Small Part. Big Problem.” #2 – “Who Loves…

Wholesome Talk (Part 1) – Gospel-Shaped Speech & Reactions

Thanks for joining us today as we continue to build upon the content from Sunday’s sermon by revisiting elements like the main idea, exploring unanswered questions, and expanding more in depth into segments of the message. We trust you will be encouraged and challenged by the men and women of faith in Scripture as you see their walk of faith and love for the Lord. God bless! The Communication Sermons: #1 – “Small Part. Big Problem.” #2 – “Who Loves…

Collision of Concepts on Anxiety

Thanks for joining us today as we continue to build upon the content from Sunday’s sermon by revisiting elements like the main idea, exploring unanswered questions, and expanding more in depth into segments of the message. We trust you will be encouraged and challenged by the men and women of faith in Scripture as you see their walk of faith and love for the Lord. God bless! “Taking the Wind Out of Anxiety’s Sails” CCLI Streaming License # 20229783

Faith – Stagnant or Growing?

Thanks for joining us today as we continue to build upon the content from Sunday’s sermon by revisiting elements like the main idea, exploring unanswered questions, and expanding more in depth into segments of the message. We trust you will be encouraged and challenged by the men and women of faith in Scripture as you see their walk of faith and love for the Lord. God bless! “An Unlikely Hero” (Samson) For the article I read from today, please visit…

What Good Is a Doctor If…

Thanks for joining us today as we take a brief departure from diving in deeper to Sunday’s message. Today, I’ll be sharing some thoughts the Lord hit me with as I was reading a book on Charles Spurgeon and notes he wrote about the gospel. May the Lord use this to spur you on in this amazing responsibility he’s given us. God bless! The Gospel of Jesus Christ CCLI Streaming License # 20229783

Who Is Our Deliverer?

Returning back to the subject of Sunday’s sermon (see link below), we are expanding today on some of the unanswered questions and points we didn’t get to on Sunday as we continue to examine the lives of the men and women of faith in the Bible. As always, we pray you are encourage and challenge to a great walk of faith and love for the Lord and other as we are in the Word together today. God bless! “When God…

Differing Opinions in the Church

Conflict in the church often centers on the differing opinions of the people within. Many times specifically over preferences. Join us today as we look at Romans 14:1 a further and take this discussion on a topic that it so essential to relationship within the church body (and within families and with our community members). May the Lord give supply grace and help us to imitate Christ as we interact with one another. “Harmony in Foggy Places” (Part #1) CCLI…

Gospel Shaped Perspectives on Suffering

Join us this week as we cover Romans 12:12 which we skipped over this past Sunday. We encourage you to view Sunday’s sermon if you haven’t had a chance to do so yet (https://youtu.be/Ow84_x_aXd8). CCLI Streaming License # 20229783

Suffering from Comparativitis?

Join us this week as we dive a bit deeper yet into Romans 12:3-8, continuing to explore what we started on Sunday and how it is to be lived. Today, we’ll look at the subject of comparison and how that can inhibit using our gifts for the health of the church. Glad to have you join us. We encourage you to view Sunday’s sermon if you haven’t had a chance to do so yet. CCLI Streaming License # 20229783

Biblical Womanhood

Over the last two weeks, we’ve mentioned the contrast in our world between the secular and Christian ideas of masculinity and femininity. Today, we’re wrapping this subject up with a look at Proverbs 31 and the portrait of biblical womanhood. If you’ve missed the past sermons or vlogs on this subject, please take the time to view them at the links below. “What Does God Think? – Biblical Masculinity & Femininity” “What Does God Think? – Biblical Masculinity & Femininity”…

Be Sent

A simple title but it references what we discussed as one of our closing points on Sunday–the important of take the good news of Jesus Christ to those in need. Paul tells us in Romans 10 that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word preached. If we hope for people to respond to the gospel message, we must proclaim it. At minimum, we can invite people to attend a church service with us. With nearly everything online today,…

God’s Holiness & Our Need for Christ

I was greatly impacted some time ago by a book I was reading that brought me into a deeper understanding of the holiness of God and our great need for Christ as our Savior. As I read those words, it left me with praise for what God has done in my life as I think on my own sinfulness in comparison to his holiness and the immense kindness shown me on the cross. Take a moment to watch as I…

Four Essentials for Finishing Well

As we continue to build on and think through Paul’s message on Sunday, I’d like to add four additional essentials to finishing well as Christians. These are reflections from one of my favorite authors, and I trust will serve us well as we continue our Christian race individually and as a church. Thanks for watching. “Finishing Well” (Various Scriptures)

Important Ingredient for Finishing Well

As I was thinking back through Paul’s message from Sunday about finishing well, there was an important quality or aspect that I have been mulling over in my mind. I’d like to share that with you today along with some thoughts as we continue to put together this recipe for finishing the Christian life well. Thanks for watching! “Finishing Well” (Various Scriptures)

Confrontation for Spiritual Maturity – How & When

From Nehemiah 13, we saw indeed the need to confront spiritual apathy or complacency or moral permissiveness in the lives of fellow believers. For as much as we may dislike this, it is a sign of mutual love and part of the process of the church growing collectively toward spiritual maturity. The question is how though? And when? Let’s take a look today at some great wisdom on how to confront a fellow believer who is in sin. Thanks for…

Resting in the Lord (Needing Help & Weaknesses)

I was challenged by some thoughts in a book recently that I had been reading that applied to what we talked about this past Sunday from Nehemiah 13. The book was on parenting. How in the world does that apply? Well, take a few moments today to watch and see how the calls to rest in the Lord are advantageous to us whether we are struggling with sin personally or helping to disciple another person. Thanks for watching! “An Anticlimactic…

The Grace of God in the Scriptures

We talk much about the mercy and grace of God. How do you see it though? How do you know that you’ve been shown it? What is the avenue? Is it something spectacular or more subtle? Today, I’d like to share a video with you that continues our discussion of Nehemiah 9 and that because God is gracious and merciful that we can find mercy and grace. We’re exploring the avenue in which we can find his grace immediately for…