'#gospel' Tagged Posts (Page 2)

'#gospel' Tagged Posts (Page 2)

Following Jesus While We Wait for His Return

On Sunday, we discussed the importance of following Jesus as we wait for his return. Some time ago, I was greatly encouraged by this interview with a man named Ruslan. Take a few moments to watch and be encouraged and challenged in your own walk with the Lord and the call to follow him. “He Is Coming Again” (Gospel of John & Revelation)

Responding to Tragedy

In light of the present tragedy near Nashville, I’d like to take some time to revisit a sermon I preached during the summer of 2022 about responding to tragedy. Within it are some key elements to remember and consider as we have our own responses toward this and as we talk with others. What does God think of this? Where is God? What is he doing? What is most important to remember? We’ll look at those questions and more. Thanks…

Loving the Unlovable

As I was thinking further on Romans 2-3, it made me think of how this looks in combination with a very well-known passage. And as we think on that passage as well today, it encourages us to deeper affection for our neighbors whether or not we think that they deserve it. Thanks for watching. “A Universal Cancer” (Romans 2:1-3:23)

We Suppress(ed) the Truth

The wrath of God is an often misinterpreted subject. On Sunday, from Romans 1:18-23, we gained a clearer picture of not only God’s wrath but why we deserved it. Today, we’re exploring the text a bit deeper seeing that Paul expressed our guilt six different times in the passage and what happens when we “exchange”. We using a more interactive format today that we trust will be beneficial. Thanks for watching. “An Unpopular Thought: God’s Wrath” (Rom 1:18-23)

Gospel Transformation Stories (Part 2)

As we started our new series on Sunday, we talked about the fact that the gospel of God transformed our identity. It certainly did for Paul who went from a persecutor of the church and became and advocate for the church. The gospel brings transformation. This week, I’d like to just simply be encouraged by a couple of stories about gospel transformation both as a means to salvation and as a means to greater imitation of Christ in daily life.…

Gospel Transformation Stories (Part 1)

As we started our new series on Sunday, we talked about the fact that the gospel of God transformed our identity. It certainly did for Paul who went from a persecutor of the church and became and advocate for the church. The gospel brings transformation. This week, I’d like to just simply be encouraged by a couple of stories about gospel transformation both as a means to salvation and as a means to greater imitation of Christ in daily life.…

PD’s Reflections – Conflict – What’s Your Response? – December 7, 2022

Conflict is inevitable in a world full of broken and sinful people. Even the Apostle Paul had conflict with his coworker in the faith, Barnabas. And while we typically choose either a fight or flight response toward conflict, there is a third option. There is a gospel-related way of responding to conflict. Thanks for joining us today as we look at this and the helpful information contained in Ken Sande’s book “The Peacemaker”. “High Taxes & Fake News” – Neh…

Your Thanksgiving Meal as a Gospel Door

You are likely making preparations already for next week and time that you may spend with family and friends around a dinner table or gather around a feast. As you prepare, I challenge you to consider the thoughts in this video today and be thinking about who you might have gospel conversations with. I challenge you to think how you might use the thoughts in this video to spark spiritual conversations that lead to thanksgiving to God for what he…

Preach the Gospel…AND USE WORDS

The Gospel and evangelism has been on my mind much recently. I want to take a detour this week to focus on that with a few simple, yet necessary, encouragements. We have been given this great mission by our Lord and Savior. And before us is a world in need of this great news that we ourselves had taken ahold of and benefitted so greatly by. Thanks for watching.

Finding the Gospel Gates

The Gospel and evangelism has been on my mind much recently. I want to take a detour this week to focus on that with a few simple, yet necessary, encouragements. We have been given this great mission by our Lord and Savior. And before us is a world in need of this great news that we ourselves had taken ahold of and benefitted so greatly by. Thanks for watching.

New Game. Same Results. (GPS #16)

It amazes me at times the decisions people make expecting different results. I don’t plead innocence in that at all. I’ve been there. Done that. My son, who is learning to crawl, keeps get getting stuck in a corner of the room. He enters it the same way every time, but somehow I think he is expecting different results each time. We see that between Modernism & Postmodernism which have essentially the same results as we get rid of God.…

Exploring LIFE Further (GPS #14)

This past Sunday, Pastor Brian McIntrye talked about the sanctity of life with the acronym for that word L.I.F.E. As motivated as we are about standing for life, let’s remember to stand on all fronts of it, politically, physically, and eternally. Checkout Sunday’s video & the gospel article on our website. God bless! “Sanctity of Life” (August 17, 2022 Sermon) The Gospel

Taking a Stand for Life (GPS #13)

This past Sunday, Pastor Brian McIntrye talked about the sanctity of life with the acronym for that word L.I.F.E. Let’s refresh ourselves today on that term. And as motivated as we are about standing for life, let’s remember to stand on all fronts of it, politically, physically, and eternally. Checkout Sunday’s video & the gospel article on our website. God bless! “Sanctity of Life” (August 17, 2022 Sermon) Read the Gospel here!

Gender & Sexuality Questions – Part 3 (GPS #10)

The subject of gender and sexuality host to a plethora of questions as one seeks to understand it biblically and have a Christ-like response to this social issue of our day. For three sessions, we’ll explore some pertinent questions that will add to the sermons on July 3rd and 10th as we seek to gain a God-Positioned Stance on it. “Fearfully & Wonderfully Made” (Part #2) – Psalm 139 “Messy Grace” by Caleb Kaltenbach “God & the Transgender Debate” by…

Gender & Sexuality Questions – Part 2 (GPS #9)

The subject of gender and sexuality host to a plethora of questions as one seeks to understand it biblically and have a Christ-like response to this social issue of our day. For three sessions, we’ll explore some pertinent questions that will add to the sermons on July 3rd and 10th as we seek to gain a God-Positioned Stance on it. “Fearfully & Wonderfully Made” (Part #2) – Psalm 139

Gender & Sexuality Questions – Part 1 (GPS Vlog #8)

The subject of gender and sexuality host to a plethora of questions as one seeks to understand it biblically and have a Christ-like response to this social issue of our day. For three session, we’ll explore some pertinent questions that will add to the sermons on July 3rd and 10th as we seek to gain a God-Positioned Stance on it. “Fearfully & Wonderfully Made” (Part #1) – Psalm 139

Is the Christian Worldview Gone? (GPS Vlog #7)

Many years ago now, there as an uproar when former President Obama remarked that the U.S. was not a “Christian nation.” While there may have been a lot of resistance to this statement, two polling agencies discovered that he may not be far from the truth. Join us today as we explore the subject of worldviews and what present surveys tell us about the state of our nation and the church and the great responsibility and mission we have before…

Paradise…It’s More Than You Think (GPS #5)

You hear or read reports about mortality rates from time to time. The mortality rate for mankind is 100%. Death is a part of life that many are not comfortable talking about. It is a necessary conversation though particularly because there are only two destinies for us as we die: 1) eternal separation from God or 2) eternal fellowship in the presence of God. There are many misconceptions about heaven. We’re going to right a few of those today and…

Dual Citizenship (GPS Vlog #2)

Christians have a unique identity. Not only are we citizens of our respective countries of origin (or more generally citizens of earth), but we are also citizens of heaven. I find that when it comes to hot topics as we are discussing in our new sermon series that we tend to side with the earthly rather than heavenly citizenship. Today, we’re diving into this subject of dual citizenship and what it means for us in our interactions with others and…

Looking with God’s Eyes (GPS Vlog #1)

It is hard to see purpose in the midst of the hows & whys of tragedy. Yet God tells that there is. In fact, we see that suffering has purpose and God has used it for our greatest good. Join us as we explore that today from Isaiah 53 and discovere what purpose our suffering may have as we look at it with God’s eyes. Thanks for watching! “Responding to Tragedy”