'#godistruth' Tagged Posts

'#godistruth' Tagged Posts

The Domino Effect

On Sunday, Pastor Paul spoke from Nehemiah 7-8 and dedicated time to walk us through the Inductive Bible Study method and the importance of a Literal Grammatical Historical hermeneutic. Today we’re going to continue in that discussion as we explore an article Paul and I talked about last week together. Its content is common talk in our day yet reveals troubling doctrinal errors that then leads to a domino effect of toppling the common and foundational elements of Christianity. Thanks…

The Word of God Remains Forever (GPS #12)

We’ll be covering the subject of deconstructionism on Sunday. As I have been preparing for that, the importance and centrality of the Word of God continues to be impressed upon me as well as it being timeless and transcending culture. I pray you’ll be encouraged by this simple words today as you think on the valuable riches you possess and hold in your hands–the Word of God.


A Pew Research poll found that nearly 1/3 of Protestants believe that casual sex is sometimes or always okay between consenting adults. They also found a direct correlation between that statistic and church attendance. Join us today as we address this issue and continue our discussion the sermon on Ephesian 5 this past Sunday.