'#glory' Tagged Posts

'#glory' Tagged Posts

A Place of Relief or Terror

Ever read a passage of Scripture and then a friend’s perspective or something you read enlightens you to give you a different perspective? I had that today with an email I received that gave me an additional biblical look on a favorite passage. It opened my eyes today and I pray it will yours as well as we look at Psalm 18. Is he a place of relief? Or is God a place of terror? Thanks for joining us online…

A Spiritual Eyesight Prescription

Romans 11:36 has been described as one of the greatest lines of written language in all of Scripture. We’re look back at that one verse today and the spiritual prescription we find there for one of our greatest “sight” issues in life. This verse gives us true focus and is a guide for living. Thanks for joining us today. “To Him Be Glory Forever” (Rom 11:28-36) CCLI Streaming License # 20229783

Mix Reactions Toward God’s Sovereignty

The sovereignty of God can invoke a number of reactions from people. It may incite praise. It may create bewilderment and questions. It may incite critical comments and even anger. Since Romans 9’s focus was centralized on God’s sovereignty, let’s take a bit more time to explore that today and our mixed reactions as human beings toward this important attribute of God. “God Is the Potter. We Are the Clay.” (Romans 9:14-33)

We Suppress(ed) the Truth

The wrath of God is an often misinterpreted subject. On Sunday, from Romans 1:18-23, we gained a clearer picture of not only God’s wrath but why we deserved it. Today, we’re exploring the text a bit deeper seeing that Paul expressed our guilt six different times in the passage and what happens when we “exchange”. We using a more interactive format today that we trust will be beneficial. Thanks for watching. “An Unpopular Thought: God’s Wrath” (Rom 1:18-23)

God Is Working All Things… (Rom 8)

Isn’t it amazing at how we can come back to a familiar text of Scripture and be encouraged or grasp something new from it? That happened for me today. And I pray it will for you as well in this video clip I’d like to share. We must remember it’s all about God. May you be encouraged today. God bless! Guest Speaker: Tim Jeske (MCE) on Romans 8


Today’s text once more proves how fundamental these opening chapters of Genesis are to many Christian beliefs. Today’s text hits the image of man, genders, and marriage among other things. The word that sticks out to me though is this: “formed”. God formed man. He’s formed you (Ps 139). And that puts us in a unique position with purpose. Join us!


And we’re back! After a few weeks off, we’re resuming the vlogs again. We’ll be devoting the next several months to studying the book of Genesis. It’s a foundational book to many areas of our lives and key doctrines of the faith. Today we’re looking at just four words: “In the beginning, God…” Short, but profound. Join us!


Why have you allowed this God? What have I done to deserve this? Do you hate me? Those are questions that either you or others have asked as they’ve gone through various situations. The nation of Israel did too. Isn’t it interesting how we forget what God had done. As we go through various situations, it’s important to pause and think for a bit on what God may be doing, how he may be growing us, or even how he…


I have been stuck on the phrase “to the praise of His glory” from Ephesians 1 today. As I think about us as believers and as a church, are we living in such a way that could be summarized as that? My prayer for us all, for churches across America this year is that no matter what may face us, that we would be the hands and feet of Christ, imitators of God, salt and light, that we might bring…


We’ve made it to the end of our New Testament reading and what a great place to end the year in the Bible. We conclude with the glorious future that awaits all those who have placed their faith in Christ Jesus for salvation. Thanks for journeying with us through the New Testament this year. We’ll be starting something new in 2021 as we continue to explore the Word of God together. God bless.


We have come to the last series of judgements that we find in the book of Revelation – the Bowl Judgements. These are considered the most severe & are setting the stage for the earthly coming of Christ. And we read through ch. 16, we see a common theme about the residents of earth going through these times. We often get wrapped up in the “events”. Let’s not miss some underlying details though & its application for our own life.…


Revelation 4 is a spectacular scene of worship. And this chapter sets the stage for the rest of the book explaining that the following is God’s sovereign plan. In spite of what we might think as we behold them, these things will bring greater glory to his name, and he is worthy of our praise. Take a moment to read this fantastic worship scene though and watch. Revelation 4 NET


Foreigner. Exile. Alien. We’re not talking about immigration policy or the next ET film. We’re actually talking about believers. Yes, Peter says that we, believers, are foreigners, exiles, and aliens. What does he mean? Take a moment to read the chapter and then watch this video. 1 Peter 2 NET


None of us appreciates suffering, yet Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians 4 that God has a purpose even in the suffering we experience. Paul encourages us to look at our suffering from an eternal perspective to give us focus as we experience it. Take a moment to watch and see the music video “Though You Slay Me” by Shane & Shane. 2 Corinthians 4 NET