'#example' Tagged Posts

'#example' Tagged Posts

Things That Never Come Back

Ever spoken something and then thought: “Maybe I shouldn’t have said that.” Or perhaps you wanted to speak it, did, & then saw how it destroyed the person on the receiving end. Or maybe you watched as your words comforted someone in pain, gave wisdom in the face of a decision, or inspired someone. All those scenarios speak to the vast power of our tongues and the call to use them wisely. Join us as we consider a key text…

Love & Discipleship at Home

Thanks for joining us today as we continue to build upon the content from Sunday’s sermon by revisiting elements like the main idea, exploring unanswered questions, and expanding more in depth into segments of the message. We trust you will be encouraged and challenged by the men and women of faith in Scripture as you see their walk of faith and love for the Lord. God bless! To view this past Sunday’s sermon & the clip used within this vlog,…

did abram profit from his sin?

Returning back to the subject of Sunday’s sermon (see link below), we are expanding today on some of the unanswered questions and points we didn’t get to on Sunday as we continue to examine the lives of the men and women of faith in the Bible. As always, we pray you are encourage and challenge to a great walk of faith and love for the Lord and other as we are in the Word together today. God bless! “When God…

Degrees of or Secondary Separation

On Sunday, we saw the Jews commitment to specific actions based upon hearing the Law. They understood the authority of God’s Word for their lives and as a matter of follow through committed to obedience. As we talked Sunday, obedience involves being both looking different and being set apart from the world. This week we’re looking at biblical and degrees of separation in light of our study of Nehemiah 10. Thanks for watching! “Because You…I Promise to…” (Neh 9-10) –…

Biblical Separation

On Sunday, we saw the Jews commitment to specific actions based upon hearing the Law. They understood the authority of God’s Word for their lives and as a matter of follow through committed to obedience. As we talked Sunday, obedience involves being both looking different and being set apart from the world. This week we’re looking at biblical and degrees of separation in light of our study of Nehemiah 10. Thanks for watching! “Because You…I Promise to…” (Neh 9-10) –…

The Greatest Impact You Can Have…Your Influence as a Dad

I am more and more sensitive to the awesome responsibility of being a dad. Not just in providing for them physically in making sure that they have the basic necessities plus some extra for fun. More importantly, I have been more and more sensitive to the impact I can have on my children for better or worse by the example I set before them. In a world of “influences” on social media, men be an influencer in your home for…

Learning from Others on Suffering

James encourages us from ch. 5 to look to the examples of the prophets and Job as we encounter suffering in life. Their testimony is meant to encourage us, particularly in being patient, having endurance, and God’s purpose and care. The Scriptures isn’t just a random collection of writings. There is purpose, even instructing us in how to endure suffering. I’d like to encourage you not only with this text, but with the lessons and example Paul Tripp learned through…


In this two part series, I want to explore the subject of feeling disconnected in the church. It’s a growing problem that research, polls, and simple observation is seeing. What’s the real issue? What ramifications does disconnectedness have? How can it be remedied? Tune in for each part as we answer those questions & more in exploring this issue.


In this two part series, I want to explore the subject of feeling disconnected in the church. It’s a growing problem that research, polls, and simple observation is seeing. What’s the real issue? What ramifications does disconnectedness have? How can it be remedied? Tune in for each part as we answer those questions & more in exploring this issue.


The doctrine of the Trinity is one that boggles our minds. It has also been a point of contention within the church over the years. And in an effort to understand it completely on a human level, it has lead to a variety of heresies. Understanding the Trinity as the Bible presents it is vital to our lives, vital to our salvation, and very applicable to our lives.


Paul as he writes this letter to Titus whose working with those in Crete encourage him to teaching the people what behavior is befitting the gospel, their new life in Christ. Through these verse, we see not only the challenge to godly living to be examples to those around us. By doing so, we equip one another to walk more intune with the footsteps of Jesus. Take moment to read Titus 2 & then watch. Titus 2 NET