'#encourage' Tagged Posts

'#encourage' Tagged Posts

Things That Never Come Back

Ever spoken something and then thought: “Maybe I shouldn’t have said that.” Or perhaps you wanted to speak it, did, & then saw how it destroyed the person on the receiving end. Or maybe you watched as your words comforted someone in pain, gave wisdom in the face of a decision, or inspired someone. All those scenarios speak to the vast power of our tongues and the call to use them wisely. Join us as we consider a key text…

Suffering from Comparativitis?

Join us this week as we dive a bit deeper yet into Romans 12:3-8, continuing to explore what we started on Sunday and how it is to be lived. Today, we’ll look at the subject of comparison and how that can inhibit using our gifts for the health of the church. Glad to have you join us. We encourage you to view Sunday’s sermon if you haven’t had a chance to do so yet. CCLI Streaming License # 20229783

Inspiring Declarations

This Sunday we have our annual thanksgiving service at our local church. In preparation for that I offer these reflections on Nehemiah 2:17-18. While an Old Testament passage, it reminds us of exhortations from the Apostle Paul of the importance of encouraging one another that we might run this race of life with endurance unto the Lord. Thanks for watching! “The Good Hand of the Lord” (Nehemiah 2)

Do You See the Grace of God? (Rom 8)

The great hymn of the faith comes to mind today – “Wonderful grace of Jesus, greater than all my sin…” Are you singing the rest of the verse now? But it’s true. God’s grace is wonderful and Romans 8 highlights (and not just the chapter but the whole book) the grace of God for us. How do you see the grace of God as you read through it? Take a moment today to watch and then reflect on the wonderful…


Exactly one year ago today, I started vlogging on our church YouTube channel to provide midweek encouragements on the passages we were reading together at the time. After 156 episodes, we’re still carrying on with the same mission. The words spoke here are meant to encourage people in their walk with Jesus and to greater steps of faith.


Third John is a short little book, just 15 verses, yet there are some very meaningful texts that we miss in this often over looked epistle. One in particular has meant much to me as a father and as a pastor. Which one is it and why does it mean so much? Take a moment to watch. 3 John NET


In this segment of #askpd, we explore this question: Why do so many Christians not have a consistent biblical worldview? It is a hard question to explore as it implies that some do not believe what the Bible says. Today, we’ll define what a worldview is, explore what negatively affects our worldview, give some solutions to this issues, and also answer why it’s important to have a consistent biblical worldview. Thanks for watching.


Why do a vlog? Why go to all that extra work each day? Where did that music come from? All those questions and more answered this week as I explain the vlogs purpose and my goal in putting this together each day. “Words” Offical Lyric Video – Hawk Nelson “Words” Offical Music Video – Hawk Nelson CCLI Streaming License #20229783


And we’re back…in the book of Romans. Paul talks about purposeful strength in chapter 15. He encourages those who are strong to not use their strength for selfish means but to build up the body of Christ, specifically those who are weaker. The strong in faith are to imitate their Savior who gave us his rights for the benefit of others. What a challenge in an age of selfishness!