'#disciples' Tagged Posts

'#disciples' Tagged Posts


That’s a strange title right? I know. What am I supposed to “roll”? Am I playing a game of ball with God. No. But that is the literal meaning of a word from Proverbs 16 today as we focus on one verse and the importance of being dependent upon him.


Living with no authority has serious consequences for our lives. I’m talking specifically about the authority of God. We see that with the nation of Israel in Judges where in chs. 17, 18, 19, & 21 we see the same phrase repeated: “Israel had no king.” The author sandwiches the last part of the book with the phrase: “they did what was right in their own eyes.” Even as Christians we have a tendency to do this? How might you…


Growing up on a small farm in Illinois, I grew to love working with my dad in the fields whether that be in the spring doing tillage & planting or in the fall harvesting & doing fall tillage. I enjoyed being in the tractor and in the field. I still love it to this day and treasure the few opportunities I get to do it yet. There is just something about the smell of freshly tilled earth or freshly cut…