'#confidence' Tagged Posts
Faith Sculpting Afflictions
We admittedly often desire a life of ease, even if we only will admit it subconsciously. How many have every made the statement: “If I could only get a break?” We don’t like “hard” things in life. But those are often the very things that shape our faith the most and even reveal the idols of our lives. Join us today as we are challenged and encouraged by a recent blog from a popular author. “The Prosperity Gospel We Sometimes…
What Are the Odds?
What are the odds? Ever used the phrase. Sometimes it is in astonishment at what just happened or we are shrugging off something and don’t even consider it a possibility. Today we’re looking at some statistics that should give us confidence in the faithfulness of God to his Word and strengthen our hope in Christ. Thanks for watching!
Ephesians 3 contains a well known doxology of the Apostle Paul. As well known as these words are, they express the confidence Paul has in God as he reflects on what God has done in the church and asks God to do specific things within the Ephesian church. Take a moment to read Ephesians 3 and watch. Ephesians 3 NET