'#communion' Tagged Posts

'#communion' Tagged Posts

Depending on God

James confronts those living in complete independence of God at the end of chapter 4. If that is what living independently of God looks like, what is characteristic of a life dependent on God? Thanks for watching as we explore that question today!


The church at Corinth faced a variety of struggles that resulted in divisions among them. 1 Corinthians 11 hits another one of those as they were observing communion together and sharing in love feasts. Take a moment to watch & the central issue which has broader implications and applications for today. 1 Corinthians 11 NET


Kinsman Redeemer. That’s not a term you hear used in today’s language at all. Perhaps you’ve never even heard of the term. It is a concept found specifically in the Old Testament but appears in the New Testament though only as a backdrop of a bigger picture. In fact, it may actually be lost among other “Christianese” and theological terms that we are more familiar with. I’ve been writing a commentary on the book of Ruth recently though for school…