'#comfort' Tagged Posts

'#comfort' Tagged Posts

Things That Never Come Back

Ever spoken something and then thought: “Maybe I shouldn’t have said that.” Or perhaps you wanted to speak it, did, & then saw how it destroyed the person on the receiving end. Or maybe you watched as your words comforted someone in pain, gave wisdom in the face of a decision, or inspired someone. All those scenarios speak to the vast power of our tongues and the call to use them wisely. Join us as we consider a key text…

Looking with God’s Eyes (GPS Vlog #1)

It is hard to see purpose in the midst of the hows & whys of tragedy. Yet God tells that there is. In fact, we see that suffering has purpose and God has used it for our greatest good. Join us as we explore that today from Isaiah 53 and discovere what purpose our suffering may have as we look at it with God’s eyes. Thanks for watching! “Responding to Tragedy”

Learning from Others on Suffering

James encourages us from ch. 5 to look to the examples of the prophets and Job as we encounter suffering in life. Their testimony is meant to encourage us, particularly in being patient, having endurance, and God’s purpose and care. The Scriptures isn’t just a random collection of writings. There is purpose, even instructing us in how to endure suffering. I’d like to encourage you not only with this text, but with the lessons and example Paul Tripp learned through…


I have talked much recently on the sovereignty and glory of God in this time of what seems to use as mass chaos. I have found those things to bring me immense comfort and help me to filter the events and situations around me. Yesterday, Pastor Paul spoke on Isaiah 40 and God being a god of comfort. Take a moment to listen to this video by Paul David Tripp where he brings both of these concepts together.


Matthew 28 is a wonderful chapter as it concludes the book with a message of hope – CHRIST IS RISEN – and then calls believers to share that message with the world around them. We are comforted by the assurance that God himself is will us always as we do this.