'#character' Tagged Posts

'#character' Tagged Posts

Being a Man – Masculinity & Femininity Vlog 3

Over the last two weeks, we’ve mentioned the contrast in our world between the “good man” and the “real man.” This past week we asked why there has to be a dichotomy of what true manhood is. Join us today as we further look at redeemed masculinity and specifically the elements of leadership and character. If you’ve missed the past sermons or vlogs on this subject, please take the time to view them at the links below. “What Does God…

Holocaust Denial Despite the Evidence (GPS #11)

The Holocaust was an absolutely tragic event in our world’s history. Sadly, there have been other times like this when people groups have been the direct target of such atrocities. Yet as Pastor Paul showed on Sunday, none has experienced the extent of continual hatred and torment like the Jews. For 2,400+ years, this has been their history. And today, interestingly enough, there are people who deny the events of the late 1930s and early 1940s. A person from the…

Vertical Vision (Jas 5)

In James 5, we see both oppression and injustice. As James tells his readers to “be patient” in 5:7, he calls them to a different perspective. And that perspective that he calls them to is meant to impact their everyday life. Thanks for watching as we explore these subjects together! “One Response” (Jas 5:7-12)


Paul as he writes this letter to Titus whose working with those in Crete encourage him to teaching the people what behavior is befitting the gospel, their new life in Christ. Through these verse, we see not only the challenge to godly living to be examples to those around us. By doing so, we equip one another to walk more intune with the footsteps of Jesus. Take moment to read Titus 2 & then watch. Titus 2 NET