“If Jesus Is a Deacon…”
For the past couple of weeks, we have been speaking about church leadership. Today we are finishing up 1 Timothy 3 and focusing specifically on the deacon and the role/responsibility of such a person within the church.
“Church Leadership & Qualities – Not Just a Sermon for the Church Board” (Part 2)
Now that we have the qualities of elders outlined, what is the elder to do and how is the church to respond in a godly manner to leadership. We’ll explore those two aspects this week and discuss deacons on November 19th.
“Church Leadership & Qualities – A Sermon Not Just for the Church Board” (Part 1)
Paul spells out the qualifications for elders & deacons in 1 Timothy 3. What he lists are valuable qualities that we should use as we select men for leadership. What Timothy lists though aren’t just qualifications for church leadership though, but what is expected really (in regard to most of the qualities) of all of us as believers. Don’t be quite to think 1 Timothy 3 is for someone else if you aren’t in leadership. It’s for you too.
“Culture vs Truth – God’s Blueprint in the Church”
Our culture and the Bible have two very different viewpoints on the blueprint of the Church and the order of leadership. In 1 Timothy 2, we find the answer to the question–what’s the role of women in the church? Over the next couple of weeks, we’ll touch the other side of that regarding the role and responsibility of men in the church.
“Let Us Pray”
Reminding us as a church of the importance of praying not just for our own needs of that of our local body but also for those in leadership and authority and really for all people.
“Stay the Course”
The Apostle Paul’s encouragement to Timothy amidst the circumstances in Ephesus.
“A Beautiful Picture”
The Apostle Paul speaks of the grace and mercy shown him by God and speaks of the blessedness of salvation.
“From Paul, to Timothy” – 1 Timothy 1:1-2
This is the beginning of a new series on 1 Timothy. Join us each week as we work through the book written to young Timothy by the Apostle Paul and discover what we can apply to our own lives personally as well as live out in the local church.
Installation Service for Pastor Daniel (Part 2)
Pastor Daniel gives a response and speaks about what the future holds for GBC.
Installation Service for Pastor Daniel (Part 1)
James Bingle, PD’s former youth leader and family friend, presents a charge to Pastor Daniel. Pastor Ken Kramer, dear friend and brother in Christ, presents a charge to the church.
“Surrender – Submission, Humility, Sacrifice”
This is the conclusion of a short series on the subject of surrender. It draws our three aspects that are key components of surrender and issues that we need to take seriously in each of our lives. Each area demands personal reflection and asking God where we might do better or how might we live these things out better in our lives. We know you will be encouraged by the truth of God’s Word and challenged from it to take…
“Surrender: A Place of Peace”
We are bombarded every day with many concerns. Finances seem to often be an issue in a world that is telling us to buy, buy, buy with money we don’t have. The health of our loved ones, neighbors, and friends fails. Then we have the daily pressures of our jobs and family and so on and so on and so on. Worry, anxiety, fear all plague us at least at one point or another in our lives. The Apostle Paul…