Sermons (Page 15)

Sermons (Page 15)

When the Foundations Are Destroyed

In the Lord I take refuge.    How then can you say to me:    “Flee like a bird to your mountain.2 For look, the wicked bend their bows;    they set their arrows against the stringsto shoot from the shadows    at the upright in heart.3 When the foundations are being destroyed,    what can the righteous do?” 4 The Lord is in his holy temple;    the Lord is on his heavenly throne.He observes everyone on earth;    his eyes examine them.5 The Lord examines the righteous,    but the wicked, those who love violence,    he hates with a passion.6 On the wicked he will rain    fiery coals and burning sulfur;    a scorching wind will…


The author of Hebrews is dealing with the background of the Jewish sacrifices. In it though is an important reminder that we too as believers are to bring sacrifices to God…of a different kind though of course. In fact, our very lives are to be a “living sacrifice” (Romans 12:1-2).